This is one of those priceless pieces of advice you won’t find in any course on prompt engineering. If you have a complex prompt that might be a hit or a miss, try it on a free AI image generator first. You will see which parts of your query AI gets right and which ones nee...
在下方的截图中,可以看到除了当前在用的AI Image Generator,还有AI Logo Generator、AI Photo Generator、AI Art Generator、AI Portrait Generator、AI Landscape Generator、AI Illustration Generator、AI Painting Generator这剩余7个更有针对性的灵感工具。 二、aigenprompt简单试用 aigenprompt虽然是个国外的网站,但是它...
Bing的AI画图现在支持用中文prompt画图了 于是我试着让它给我画一个:“工笔画,黛玉葬花”,因为之前Midjourney就没给我画好 ,但是Bing的效果很感人! 测试地址:
Bing AI Image Generator is a new artificial popular tool that creates realistic images from textual descriptions and makes it a potentially powerful tool for creating artwork digitally. bing-chatbing-ai-chatbot-onlinebing-chatbotbing-ai-image-generatorai-image-generatorbingimage-generator ...
Many AI image generators produce better results than OpenAI's tool. If you want to try something different, check out one of our alternatives above or the two additional options below. ZDNET Recommends Nightcafe Nightcafe is a multipurpose AI image generator. It lets you create unique and orig...
👉最常使用的 prompt,用于优化文本的语法、清晰度和简洁度,提高可读性。 作为一名中文写作改进助理,你的任务是改进所提供文本的拼写、语法、清晰、简洁和整体可读性,同时分解长句,减少重复,并提供改进建议。请只提供文本的更正版本,避免包括解释。请从编辑以下文本开始:[文章内容] 常用 写作辅助 语音输入优化 ...
In March, the company incorporated its Image Creator tool, which uses OpenAI's AI image generator, DALL-E 2, into its Bing chatbot, another OpenAI product powered by the wildly popular ChatGPT. This latest move makes Image Creator available to a much wider audience. Not to mention it'...
Based onOpenAI’s Dall-E, Bing AI image generator lets users use the same service capabilities without a subscription. Besides, there are some additional benefits of using Bing’s AI tool over Dall-E: Ability to create images even after weekly limit. ...
Here’s how you can add an image to your prompt on Bing AI: On the Edge browser Open Bing on the Edge browser. Then click on Chat at the top. There are other faster ways to access Bing as well, such as from the taskbar itself so do check that out too. Once you’re on the ...
Microsoftannouncedthe rollout of DALL-E 3, the latest text-to-image model from AI lab OpenAI, to all Bing users. The more advanced AI system is now available for free in Bing Chat and Bing Image Creator. DALL-E 3 builds on previous DALL-E models, generating images from text prompts tha...