详细看代码 GitHub - Can-Chen/wrap-midjourney: 获取discord服务器中midjourney AI生图的结果。一个中转服务,可以接入到任意第三方平台微信、飞书、QQ等/Obtain the midjourney AI image generation results from the Discord server. It is a transfer service that can be connected to any third-party platform,...
However, it's crucial to note that Midjourney is accessible exclusively through Discord. To utilize it, joining Midjourney's Discord server or inviting the Midjourney bot to your own server is necessary. Once inside, a simple "/imagine" command followed by your desired prompt will initiate ...
Jukebox Community Discord - server for using OpenAI Jukebox for music generation LAION Discord - group working on replicating a full DALLE-E NeuralismAI Discord - AI art competitions and knowledge exchange Prompt Sharing Discord - community for sharing text to image prompts VQGAN+CLIP Discord -...
完成之后,用户就能通过 Discord 的聊天窗口,在对应的 Server 中,@伴读小书童,与它愉快地聊天了。产...
Image of “Gregory Crewdson, late night laundromat, foggy, neon” generated by Midjourney If there is one downside to Midjourney, it is that you have to use a Discord server to place a text prompt which can be tricky to understand at first. Discord’s interface can also be frustrating to...
From there, it generates an image by reversing the noise to reveal a brand-new image based on your text prompt.The Midjourney InterfaceUnlike other AI art generators with proprietary interfaces, Midjourney uses a Discord server as its home base. While this may sound a bit cumbersome, it’s...
社区共创是艺术创作中不可缺少的要素,Discord 的交互形式也是吸引、留存用户的一大要素。目前 Midjourney 已成为 Discord 用户最多的服务器,拥有了超 1000 万名社区成员。 3. Midjourney 已形成数据飞轮,有利于建立竞争壁垒。 Midjourney 最早开放 Openbeta 版本,通过庞大用户量积累了独有的数据集,形成数据飞轮,根据...
虽然文生图领域应用层出不穷,但 Midjourney 保持住了在人们心目中的地位,目前仍是使用最广泛、最受用户喜爱的文生图应用。截止 2023 年 2 月 12 日,Discord 频道的用户数达到1081 万,早已实现盈利。 04 Who is the Customer? Midjourney 用户群体广阔,主要包括创意设计人群、工业设计人群、Web3 & NFT 从业者...
about his win on Midjourney's Discord server on August 25, along with pictures of his three entries; it went viral on Twitter days later, with many artists angered by Allen's win because of his use of AI to create the image, as a story by Vice...
To get started with Midjourney, you’ll need tosign up on their websiteand then log in to their Discord server. I’d suggest poking around all the channels to see how things work before you prompt. From there, go to a “newbie channel,” then type/imagine, followed by your text desc...