The World Internet Conference (WIC) “AI for Social Good” program was launched in Nishan, Qufu, East China’s Shandong province, on June 26.Liang Hao, executive deputy secretary-general of the WIC, released the AI for Social Good Action Plan (2023-2025) at the launch ceremony.He put for...
Google AI今天宣布了AI for Social Good计划,这是一项将核心AI研究和工程应用于谷歌内部,以及更广泛的AI生态系统中的社会公益项目。 作为该计划的一部分,谷歌推出了AI Impact Challenge,这是一项支持各种AI以获得高达2500万美元资金的优秀项目的竞赛。受赠者将在2019年春季的I / O开发者大会上公布。使用AI Impact C...
joint contribution and shared benefits. In order to advocate technology-for-social-good concept, guide global parties concerned to use AI technology to bridge the digital divide and promote human well-being, WIC
8月16日,滴滴在Tech Day现场宣布正式成立【AI for Social Good | AI赋能社会共创平台】,主要关注环境、安全与健康、无障碍三大领域方向。未来滴滴将充分发挥自身在大数据、人工智能、云计算等领域的资源优势,以交流、研究、实践的模式去发现、分析、解决在互联网大出行背景下极具代表性和共识性的社会问题,最大范围的...
for extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. In order to advocate technology-for-social-good concept, guide global parties concerned to use AI technology to bridge the digital divide and promote human well-being, WIC launched the World Internet Conference AI for Social Good ...
"AI for Social Good"(为公益的人工智能)是近些年来逐渐崭露头角的研究领域。随着人工智能技术的飞速...
今天凌晨,谷歌宣布拿出2500万美元资助一些对社会有益的AI项目,叫做“AI for Social Good”。顾名思义,就是用AI给社会带来积极正面的影响。 虽然2500万美元要被众多项目瓜分,总金额并不算多,但是谷歌在技术上愿意提供更多帮助。谷歌并不指望项目里的人都是AI方面的专家,只要你的点子好、对社会有益,谷歌愿意让AI专...
As AI advances from predictive to generative capabilities, its potential to be used for social good, defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, expands.
8月16日,滴滴技术开放日在北京举行,滴滴产品技术管理团队与高校学生、专业技术人员展开面对面交流,详细介绍了滴滴在大数据、人工智能领域的最新科技成果, 重点分享了滴滴在智能派单、地图、拼车、供需预测、智能客服、语音识别等领域的实践经验。滴滴现场还宣布成立AI for Social Good(AI赋能社会)共创平台,将携手全球顶尖...
for extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. In order to advocate technology-for-social-good concept, guide global parties concerned to use AI technology to bridge the digital divide and promote human well-being, WIC launched the World Internet Conference AI for Social Good ...