AI驱动的非营利组织已经在推进许多社会问题的解决方案, Google.org最近的研究简报《AI在行动:加速实现可持续发展目标》(AI in Action: Accelerating Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals)显示,AI正在推动着所有17个可持续发展目标(SDGs)的实现。其中,AI在...
AI驱动的非营利组织已经在推进许多社会问题的解决方案,Google.org最近的研究简报《AI在行动:加速实现可持续发展目标》(AI in Action: Accelerating Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals)显示,AI正在推动着所有17个可持续发展目标(SDGs)的实现。其中,AI在重...
The results of this DeepEmpathy project were linked to the AI for Good site under SDG 1, "Zero poverty" (Scalable Cooperation n.d.). A similar initiative, AI for SDGs,2 led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, also collates projects from around the world, mapped onto individual SDGs. ...
For instance, some researchers have used the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a basis for evidence-gathering about AI-based solutions to address climate change. Of the 17 SDGs, goal 13, “Climate Action”, is most explicitly associated with climate change, but several ...
A similar initiative, AI for SDGs,Footnote2led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, also collates projects from around the world, mapped onto individual SDGs. For instance, an Irish project using remote sensing data, Microsoft Geo AI Data Science Virtual Machines and GIS mapping “to develop mac...
As a service provision scheme between governments and entrepreneurs to solve for internal digital challenges of public administrations, there is a business case for GovTech as growing market of more than $400,000,000 USD as well as a force for good to advance SDGs. To seize this opportunity, ...
The results of this DeepEmpathy project were linked to the AI for Good site under SDG No.1, "Zero poverty". A similar initiative, AI for SDGs, led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, also collates projects from around the world, mapped onto individual SDGs. For instance, an Irish ...
Last year, Microsoft partnered withtheStimson Centerto bring a greater diversity of voices to the conversation on responsible AI. TheGlobal Perspectives Responsible AI Fellowshipbrings together diverse stakeholders from civil society, academia, and the private sector for substantive discussions on AI, its...
Even the AI for Good Foundation, which promotes technology to service the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focuses on AI for humanity (AI for Good Foundation, 2022). Although the SDGs rightly address environmental issues, they effectively and anthropocentrically cast animals as...