Your task is to generate a title for a scientific paper based on its abstract and keywords provided in any language. You must detect the language of the abstract and keywords and respond in the same language. Ensure the title is concise, clear, and informative, capturing the essence of the...
其次AI for Science这个方向在大厂里并不是很受待见,比如Meta的蛋白质组,CNS咔咔发、工作确实很不错...
This paper will discuss the research of a group of occultists who have discovered that human sacrifice is, in fact, an effective way to summon and bind Cthulhu. The method involves using the blood of the sacrificed person as a catalyst for ritualistic chanting by several people at once. This...
for that matter — to provide a meaningful response to a question without it. When you’re using a chatbot to refine a section of your paper for clarity, start by outlining the context. What is your paper about, and what is your main argument?
此时,如果有一个全自动码字机帮助我们梳理paper,写论文,简直美滋滋。 但是文献不是不能自动输出吗? 此刻,斯坦福大学崔旭博士带着他的“萌宠”——文献鸟解决了这个问题。 崔旭 文献鸟开发者 是的,但是文献鸟Stork可以搜索、摘取文献内容。“人工创意论文摘要”是一款专门为学术界人士开发的AI。作为一名科研人员,我也...
Using zero-shot classification for identifying social emotions This paper relies on zero-shot classification for identifying norm violations. Zero-shot classification addresses classification as a form of natural language inference (NLI). The task is to compute the probability that each class label can...
for time. They don’t want to spend precious minutes figuring out how to register on a website. This is why we’ve simplified this procedure so that you spend less time filling out an order form and more time doing the things you love. Meanwhile, the AI paper writer will craft an ...
Research Staff Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Harvard Medical School Charlestown, MA United States Instructor, Assistant Professor, A... Charlestown, Massachusetts (US) Massachusetts General Hospital/Martinos Center Postdoc (all genders) on microbiota-host interaction incancer Postdoc (all...
paperai.query - Runs a single query from the terminal - Allows running multiple queries from the terminal About AI-powered literature discovery and review engine for medical/scientific papers Resources Readme License Apache-2.0 license ...
Can artificial intelligence be used to summarize scientific research? A new project called tl;dr papers does exactly that using GPT-3.