Quantum computingQuantum technologyThe technological fields of AI and quantum technology have evolved in parallel, and have demonstrated considerable potential to complement each other. Amalgamation of themrefers to the use of AI techniques to develop algorithms for quantum computing (QC) and quantum ...
The problem is so important that major players from across the quantum computing ecosystem are teaming up to find AI-enabled circuit reduction techniques. For example, Google DeepMind, Quantinuum, and the University of Amsterdam recently teamed up todevelop AI methods for reducing the number of res...
Challenges and Future www.4dthai.com for Quantum Computing 虽然量子计算展示了巨大的潜力,但目前仍处于早期发展阶段。构建稳定的量子计算机,保持量子比特的状态稳定(即保持量子叠加和纠缠),仍然是一个巨大的技术挑战。量子计算机的环境需要极低的温度和极高的精度,这对于实际应用的推广带来了很大的困难。 尽管如此,...
https://www.quantamagazine.org/ai-gets-a-quantum-computing-speedup-20220204/ https://investigacion.us.es/sisius/sis_showpub.php?idpers=29442
But some deep thinkers have been plugging away at the matter of theory for several years now. On Wednesday, the group presented a proof of deep learning's superior ability to simulate the computations involved in quantum computing. According to these thinkers, the redundancy of information that ...
Compared with traditional GPU-based computing, quantum computing has the potential to perform far more complex tasks more quickly and cheaply.
Scientists are exploring the potential of quantum machine learning. But whether there are useful applications for the fusion of artificial intelligence and quantum computing is unclear.
In the paper, the researchers demonstrated the efficacy and scalability in a large-scaleIEEEtest electric power system. In it, they found that a quantum computing-based deep-learning approach can be scaled efficiently for a quick diagnosis in larger power systems without loss of performance. ...
Quantum computing quantum monte carlo. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.10431. [10] Xie, Y., Shi, C., Zhou, H., Yang, Y., Zhang, W., Yu, Y. and Li, L., MARS: Markov Molecular Sampling for Multi-objective Drug Discovery, ICLR 2021....
将来它的算法跟它计算的速度要求越来越高,所以量子运算(quantum computing)将来也是一个重要的突破,因为它会让AI的潜力可以发挥到更极致。所以这几个我认为都是相关领域,就是说跟AI革命是不可分割的。AI对“民主政治”的影响 在这个范畴里面,很清楚,对于所谓民主政治运作,它已经出现各种正面的,但也带来很多...