The all-in-one AI-enablement platform for smarter product engineering and more informed business decisions. Altair's self-service, no-code to full-code data analytics and AI enablement platform empowers users of all skill levels to leverage operational data to accelerate sustainable manufacturing, re...
“AI-augmented and machine learning (ML)-powered software engineering is changing the way software is being created, tested and operated, and the need for responsible AI is growing,” saidDave Micko, Senior Director Analyst a...
The Only Industrial Data & AI Platform Built for Scaling Think bigger. Easily connect and structure your operational, engineering, and IT data to rapidly build and deploy data & AI use cases faster than ever before. Read the study Our repeatable formula for AI success 1. Start quickly ...
ELEKS, a trusted partner for guaranteed software engineering excellence, quality, and transparency. ELEKS is the partner of choice for many leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and [... view...
Proficient in common software engineering methods, design patterns, data structures and algorithms. ● 具备平台产品设计能力。有复杂平台系统或后台类产品等相关产品经验优先。 Capabilities and experience in designing complex platform systems or back-end products is preferred. ...
5.平台工程(Platform Engineering)平台工程指的是通过一系列工具和流程,为企业的软件开发团队提供一个自助开发门户,或者称之为内部开发平台。这个平台可以涵盖应用程序整个生命周期里所有的操作,但它需要由一个专门的平台工程团队去创建和维护。解读:这跟传统的开发有什么区别呢?传统开发都是项目制,很多开发人员是...
Simpleware™ automated solutions are powered by AI technology using Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. What is currently a laborious process that occupies significant engineering resources and time, can now be completed quickly, accurately, and with less variability. ...
Glean is the Work AI platform connected to your enterprise's data. Find, create, and automate anything. Explore what Work AI can do for you!
use feature engineering to obtain features,Platform For AI:You can use the feature engineering capability that is trained by the recommendation algorithms to process the original datasets and generate new feature tables that can be used in subsequent vec
AI for Earth Engineering and Data Science After developing an algorithm or machine learning model, researchers face the problem of deploying their model for others to consume, integrating it with data sources, securing its access, and keeping it current. Due to these complexities, the vast majority...