为了指导与培训开发者使用机器学习技术,解决医疗行业实际应用难题,机器学习框架 TensorFlow 与deeplearning.ai 和 Coursera 联合推出了“AI 医疗” (AI for Medicine) 专项课程,指引您深入了解医学领域中对机器学习的需求。 一键直达课程>>> https://www.coursera.org/learn/ai-for-medical-diagnosiswww.coursera....
1.AI for Medical Diagnosis 第一门课程是 AI 用于医学诊断。您将创建卷积神经网络图像分类和分割模型,以诊断肺和脑部疾病。 2. AI for Medical Prognosis 第二门课程是 AI 用于医学预后。 机器学习是一种强大的预后工具,是专门预测患者未来健康状况的医学分支。 在这第二门课程中,您将了解多个预测任务的示例。...
AI for Medical Diagnosis DeepLearning.AI via Coursera In this course, you will create convolutional neural network image classification and segmentation models to make diagnoses of lung and brain disorders. ★★★☆ (1 rating) Big Data Science with the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration...
百度前副总裁、前首席科学家;谷歌最成功的人工智能项目之一——Google Brain的发起人、领导者。Coursera(已上市) 的联合创始人和联合主席, 并创办deeplearning.ai,一家专注于AI教育的公司,相信很多人都学过他的课程。 我最敬佩的AI老师,也是我的AI启蒙老师。 如果有人问我,深度学习如何入门,那就是吴恩达以下课程。
coursera吴恩达AI for Medecine 专项课程,一共包含三门专业课程,教您将 AI 应用于医疗图像领域实战。 第三门课程是 AI 用于医学治疗。 点击字幕查看中文字幕 课程代码视频教程关注公众号【医学图像人工智能实战营】
pip install -r requirements_coursera.txt doesn't work. On my local conda env is py3p10. A few more notes on central change: Especially for C3_W2, pip install nltk, stanfordnlp, PyStanfordDependencies nltk.download() needed. Outline Course 1. AI for Medical Diagnosis Week 1. Disease Detec...
VideosfromCourseracourseon“AIinMedicalDiagnosis” 15/8 IndependenceDay 16/8 ParsiNewYear 21 17/8 ROC,ProblemsonEvaluationMetrics HAIMLC701.3 22 18/8 ParametersandHyperparameters,Hyperparametertuningalgorithms HAIMLC701.3 23 22/8 Hyperparametertuningalgorithms….continued. HAIMLC701.3 24 23/8 Multivariate...
Experiments on 12 medical diagnosis datasets across 9 imaging modalities show that VITask outperforms both vanilla instruction-tuned VLMs and TSMs, showcasing its ability to integrate complementary features from both models effectively. Additionally, VITask offers practical advantages such as flexible TSM...
progress in developing deep learning AI models to classify cough sounds as a prescreening tool for COVID-19 has demonstrated promising early success. Cough-based diagnosis is non-invasive, cost-effective, scalable, and, if approved, could be a potential game-changer in our fight against COVID-...
and business applications in various industries. For example, in finance, neural networks are used for stock market prediction and fraud detection. In healthcare, they are used for medical image analysis and disease diagnosis. In marketing, they are used for customer segmentation and demand ...