1.Transitioning from Traditional Research to Applied AI Research 2.Review of AI and Fintech Research 3.Generating Research Ideas in Emerging Areas 4.Introduction to Common AI Tools for Capital Market Research 5.Principles and...
根据波士顿咨询公司最新报告显示 ,制造业高管普遍将人工智能(包括生成式AI)列为可能对其运营产生积极影响的技术之首,并相信可以实现潜在的投资回报率。同时,根据MarketResearch预测,到 2032年,全球生成式AI技术在制造业的市场规模将从2022年的2.23亿美元增长到2032年的63.99亿美元左右,复合年增长率为41.06%。
事实上,早在去年 Meta 第一波裁员时,就有消息传出何恺明也在被裁名单中,但彼时阿里巴巴副总裁贾扬清在相关知乎问题下对这一消息进行了否认。何恺明所在的 Facebook AI Research 自去年以来,已经发生过几次重大调整。其中,图灵奖得主杨立昆(Yann LeCun)负责基础研究,Jerome Pesenti 负责管理整理 AI 部门的技术...
Unlock valuable insights with our Southeast Asia market research agency. Access 3.6M consumers, get data in 24 hours, and make informed decisions for your brand.
全球GPU市场竞争格局较为集中,当前NVIDIA处于市场领导地位,根据Verified Market Research数据,2022年在全球独立GPU市场当中占比约80%。 国产AI云端训练和推理芯片厂商参与者众多,大部分涌现于2017年以后。(1)华为Atlas 300T训练卡(型号9000)基于昇腾910 AI芯片,单卡算力280TFLOPS FP16;(2)寒武纪思元370单卡算力256TOPS...
Automation has been impacting the world's workers for well over a century, destroying and creating jobs. 一个多世纪以来,自动化一直影响着世界上的工人,摧毁和创造就业机会。 Experts are now looking ahead to try to predict how generative artificial intellige...
人工智能市场的前景不言而喻。根据海外市场研究公司Verified Market Research数据,2021年全球GPU芯片市场规模为335亿美元,预计2030年将达到4774亿美元,2021~2030年复合增长率为34.35%。根据IDC数据,2021年国内GPU芯片市场规模为377亿元,假设与全球GPU芯片市场增速相同,预计2030年将达到5377亿元。这么庞大的市场,...
Here I’m sharing five tips based on our learnings on why you should consider automation tools and how you can successfully incorporate AI into your qualitative market research plans this year (the good news for us is that humans still have a crucial role to play). 1: Initial skepticism...
相比之下,英特尔相关业务的增长潜能似乎还未充分释放。其实,一直以来,无论是PC市场还是数据中心市场,英特尔的优势均集中在CPU(中央处理器)领域,但2021年以来,人工智能技术快速发展,且由于Al服务器通常搭载以GPU(图形处理器)为主的加速芯片,GPU开始成为全球数据中心增量市场的主角。根据Verified Market Research...
AI in Social Media Market Trends This section covers the major market trends shaping the Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Market according to our research experts: Retail Industry to Witness a Significant Growth The growing social media usage for online shopping and other e-commerce activities ...