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He sees AI as a way of democratizing the current digital divide and that Microsoft can play a role in enabling this shift. In light of this, Microsoft technologies are supporting a wide range of nonprofits in China, some of which shared their progress at the AI for Good event....
Join Trevor Noah, Microsoft’s Chief Questions Officer, in a thought-provoking series that delves into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) alongside our AI for Good Lab partners. Each episode explores fundamental questions at the heart of AI’s global impact. From shaping public safety, to...
Join Trevor Noah, Microsoft’s Chief Questions Officer, in a thought-provoking series that delves into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) alongside our AI for Good Lab partners. Each episode explores fundamental questions at the heart of AI’s global impact. From shaping public safety, to...
Microsoft Healthcare以 AI 助力人类健康福祉 计算机科学日新月异,并一直与人类的生活紧密相关,为社会发展带来了深远的影响。AI 的发展使过去的许多不可能成为现实,能够识别单词和图像,发现复杂系统中的模式并进行推理,像人类一样学习。AI 正在延伸人类的感官,改变人类对世界的理解,它或许不是那个解决一切人类社会问题...
创造适用于所有人的可信赖的人工智能,微软明确了六个道德基本准则:公平、包容、透明、负责、可靠与安全、隐私与保护。 体验有声内容创作工具平台: 从营销服务到供应链管理,医疗器械行业如何加速数字化布局 微软收购 GitHub 两年后......
Smith. There, Smith details the Microsoft rationale behind the creation of and continued investment in the AI for Good Lab. The vision is one of hope with AI saving lives in disasters, improving health care globally, and Microsoft’s mission to make sure AI’s benefits are available to all...
通过微软AI for Good实验室的工具,圣彼得大教堂的数字双胞胎实现了毫米级精度。 于此同时,利用AI检测并映射了教堂的结构性脆弱点,如裂缝和缺失的马赛克瓷砖。 此前,AI for Good实验室还曾利用类似技术虚拟重现2000多年前的古奥林匹亚,为游客提供探索第一届奥运会举办地的独特体验。 2025禧年,希望重启 2024年11月,...
随着客户偏好的不断变化,零售商正在逐步采用新技术来提升体验并推动业务增长。阅读这份由 Microsoft 赞助的 Frost&Sullivan 报告,了解零售业的最新趋势以及零售商如何通过数字化转型来进行调整并蓬勃发展。 阅读“How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Retail for Good”,了解如何: ...
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