AI for Game Developers 作者: David M. Bourg / Glenn Seemann 出版社: O'Reilly Media副标题: Creating Intelligent Behavior in Games出版年: 2004-8-2页数: 392定价: USD 39.95装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780596005559豆瓣评分 8.7 17人评价 5星 47.1% 4星 41.2% 3星 11.8% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% ...
接下来的步骤我们将要去探究有限状态机的状态转换行为和状态转换函数,例9-4给我们展示了一个加入了状态转换行为和状态转换函数的AI实体类。 Example 9-4. Game AI transition functions classAIEntity { public: inttype; intstate; introw; intcolumn; inthealth; intstrength; intintelligence; intmagic; intarme...
AI-for-Game-Developers网络游戏人工智慧 网络释义 1. 游戏人工智慧 书名:游戏人工智慧(AI for Game Developers)作者:David M.Bourg & Glenn Seemann译者:陈建勳编辑:苏秉丰附录 向量的 …|基于25个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
有的开发者认为路径搜索是游戏AI的一部分。Steven Woodcock在他的”2003 Game Developer's Conference AI Roundtable Moderator's Report。”报告中说到有些开发者认为碰撞检测也是游戏AI的一部分。毫无疑问,广义上来说游戏AI无处不在。我们将要去继续解释什么是游戏AI,其中包括从简单的追逐与躲避在内的一切运动模式,...
and streamline development processes. NVIDIA DGX platform integrates AI software and purpose-built hardware in a comprehensive solution for AI development. The only true hybrid AI platform, DGX allows game developers to run workloads in the cloud or on prem, or both, from a single pane-of-glass...
Unlike other books on the subject,AI for Game Developersdoesn't attempt to cover every aspect of game AI, but to provide you with usable, advanced techniques you can apply to your games right now. If you've wanted to use AI to extend the play-life of your games, make them more challe...
for(i = 0; i<NumberOfNodes; i++) { Weights[i] = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * NumberOfChildNodes); WeightChanges[i] = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * NumberOfChildNodes); } BiasValues = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * NumberOfChildNodes); ...
《AI for Game Developers》是针对游戏研发者的游戏 AI 介绍经典教材[8],这本出版于2004年的书从在不同环境中的移动、追逐、闪避等实际场景出发,介绍了许多实际游戏 AI 开发的技巧,但是书的前半主体部分介绍的都是“确定性”的,依赖于规则或者状态机的AI实现方法,最后的部分才略微对贝叶斯方法、神经网络和遗传算...
In the end, depending on your game’s requirements, you still might have to implement some sort of collision detection and response algorithm similar to that discussed in Physics for Game Developers (O’Reilly) to handle cases in which two or more units run into each other. You also should...
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