AI for Chip Design,NVIDIA做了这些精彩的工作 NVIDIA于2020年在IEEE Micro上刊出了一篇题为 “Accelerating Chip Design with Machine Learning”的文章。该文章总结了NV在AI for EDA领域做的研究工作,包括设计空间探索、功耗分析、可布线性预测、模拟芯片设计等,并提出了AI 辅助芯片设计的一些愿景。 以下为原文翻译...
If you have an idea for a tattoo but can't find the right design, let our AI generate one within seconds. It lets you create the perfect design based on what you like, and it will give you unlimited options so that there's something for everyone. ❔ Vizcom AI Vizcom Ai: The AI...
Magic Design(Beta)是热门的在线设计工具canva推出的一个免费的人工智能设计工具,它可以让你从其海量的精美模板中智能将你的设计理念可视化。只需上传你自己的媒体文件或从一个空白的区域开始,输入你的设计想法,Magic Design便会魔法般的定制好你的设计并呈现在你面前。 Magic Design是一个由人工智能驱动的设计生成工...
Light Architecture, Rasa Navasaityte, 2022, Lab for Environmental Design Strategies, UT Austin 前言 当下,AIGC技术正在经历寒武纪大爆发,迅速席卷社会生活的每个领域。无数心生疑虑的人在真正上手体验ChatGPT, MidJourney后也都不禁暗衬:“这次,可能真的要来了。” 在百花齐放的AIGC生态中,建筑设计AIGC的进度...
OpenMixup is an open-source toolbox for supervised, self-, and semi-supervised visual representation learning with mixup based on PyTorch, especially for mixup-related methods. Recently, OpenMixup is on updating to adopt new features and code structures of OpenMMLab 2.0 (#42). Major Features ...
贯彻着"AI for 医疗"系列的一贯理念,我们认为 AI对药物研发的帮助并非是颠覆性的,而是一种在目前技术框架下的优化和增强。AI在先导化合物的发现中同样存在着自身的问题。下文将主要列举三点。准确性的验证:不同于大语言模型,来自分子AI大模型的结果通常难以进行准确的验证。利用大语言模型进行自然语言处理时,...
Looking for inspiration? Explore ourbest resume examplesfor both entry-level and experienced professionals. Fromgreat sample resumestoexcellent resume examples, we have something for everyone to build their dream career. Need a standout CV? Check out ourCV examplesdesigned to meet ATS standards and ...
图片引自:AutoCV Challenge Design and Baseline Results 在 CVPR 2020 的国际顶级低功耗计算机视觉挑战赛 (Low Power Computer Vision Challenge, LPCVC),所在团队在有限计算和存储资源的移动嵌入式设备上,极大提升了计算机视觉任务的精度。以突出的精度和低功耗性能,打败了来自麻省理工学院、清华大学、百度、快手等...
You can choose the classic post (caption + image), or go further and ask for an Instagram carousel. It comes with a set of images with coherent design and basic copy that you can tweak to your needs. If you don't like a particular one, you can switch the layout and color scheme ...
WPS AI is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence platform that harnesses the power of natural language processing and machine learning to boost productivity and efficiency. WPS AI is your ultimate solution for seamless content creation, data analysis, and presentation design, with a variety of powerful...