2022年8月18日,由教育部主管、同济大学主办的国际全英文开放获取期刊AI in Civil Engineering《智能建造》(缩写AICE,CN:31-2183/TU,ISSN:2097-0943,E-ISSN: 2730-5392)创刊号正式登陆全球最大学术出版机构之一施普林格自然(Springer Natur...
在此背景下,同济大学于2020年筹划创办智能建造领域的国际首本英文期刊《AI in Civil Engineering》(AICE),并相继得到Springer Nature、中国科学技术协会、国家新闻出版署的大力支持,2022年创刊号正式上线并出版发行。本刊是全球首本重点关注土木工程与人工智能交叉融合的智能建造领域国际前沿性综合性专属期刊,已入选中国科...
the latest research findings on the intersection of civil engineering and arti-ficial intelligence.The journal provides a unique platform and home for researchers,scientists and engineers from an inter-disciplinary background to advance our under-standing and knowledge for this exciting field of research...
AI has been used by practising civil engineers, contractors, and service providers to tackle a wide range of challenges. Artificial Intelligence in civil engineering, for example, has advanced to the point where efficiencies are fed directly into construction processes. AI is also used in the early...
《智能建造(英文)》(AI in Civil Engineering)(季刊),由教育部主管,同济大学主办,同济大学出版社出版,将于2021年6月创刊(季刊),是全球首本重点关注土木工程与人工智能交叉的的智能建造国际综合性英文期刊。期刊业务范围为:以智能建造中的科研和工程问题为核心,发表与智能建造相关的规划、设计、施工、运营、管理相关...
《智能建造(英文)》(AI in Civil Engineering)投稿指南 AI in Civil Engineering Submission guidelines Instructions for Authors Article types AI in Civil Engineering accepts submissions of the following article types: Review Communication Commentary Letter News & Views Opinion Case Study Editorial procedure ...
在这个以科技为驱动的时代,人工智能成为了很多行业转型的关键力量。同济大学通过AI4SEE(AI for Science-Engineering-Education)计划,将人工智能与土木工程深度融合,力图在未来三年内,通过四大核心任务和20项具体实施举措,推动整体学科的高质量发展。 一个令人兴奋的例子便是土木工程学院推出的CivilGPT,这是一个大型知识模...
A study on civil engineering construction simulation technology based on artificial intelligence for civil buildings This research delves into utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in civil engineering, specifically construction simulations. The primary objective is to r... J Yi,Q Liu,L Fan,... - ...
根据该计划,土木工程学院将依托AI4SEE(AI for Science-Engineering-Education)平台,通过三年的发展周期,围绕四大核心任务实施20项具体举措,致力于推进土木工程学科的高质量发展。这一创新举措将推动数字化、智能化、绿色化及学科融合,力求不仅提高土木科技水平,更为行业培养出更多高素质人才。
Fei YF, Liao WJ, Lu XZ*, Guan H*, Knowledge-enhanced graph neural networks for construction material quantity estimation of reinforced concrete buildings,Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2023, DOI: 10.1111/mice.13094. Zhao PJ, Fei YF, Huang YL, Feng YT, Liao WJ, Lu XZ*...