总之,《AI For Business》不仅为非技术背景的职场人士打开了理解人工智能的大门,同时也为希望在其领域领先的企业提供了宝贵的知识储备。我强烈推荐这门课程,尤其是给那些希望通过技术提升工作效率和业务发展的专业人士。 访问课程:https://coursegraph.com/coursera-specializations-ai-for-business-wharton/visit...
课程链接:https://www.coursera.org/specializations/ai-for-business-wharton 二、Linkedin 的生成式 AI 职业要点 课程内容包括: • 什么是生成式人工智能 • 深思熟虑的在线搜索的演变 • 使用微软BIngChat简化你的工作 • 生成式人工智能时代的伦理 • 顶级Ai工具的介绍 课程链接:https://www.linkedin.c...
不见山羊创建的收藏夹AI学习内容:沃顿商学院《AI For Business(AI用于商业:AI基础/市场营销+财务/人力/管理)》(中英字幕),如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
能收到马歇尔商学院的录取通知书,简直就是在万里挑一的人群中脱颖而出,堪称“人中龙凤”。 而今天我们就采访到一位同学,他就申请到了南加州大学马歇尔商学院的AI for Business专业,这个专业是马歇尔商学院和维特比工程学院合作推出的...
https://www.coursera.org/specializations/ai-for-business-wharton 这个专业课程将为学习者提供使用大数据、人工智能和机器学习的基础知识,以及可以应用它们来支持业务的各种领域。你将学习人工智能的伦理和风险,设计治理框架以公平应用人工智能,并在机器学习中进行公平的人力资源功能设计方面进行学习。你还将学习使用数据...
This course is taught by professors at the Wharton School, one of the top-ranking business schools in the world. Completing the entire course should take around one month, assuming you're able to dedicate 10 hours per week to the content. You're also expected to take part in peer-reviewed...
B.S. in Artificial Intelligence for Business 学校数据 U.S. News 排名:27 录取率:12% 学费:$66,640 地理位置:洛杉矶,加州 男女录取率之比(男:女):1.16 学校介绍 南加州大学(University of Southern California,简称USC)是一所位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的顶尖私立研究型大学。USC在全球享有极高的学术声誉...
The specialization is taught by eight UPenn professors from the Wharton School, a top-ranked business school by Fortune Education, and other professors from the university. The courses are offered through online education platform Coursera, and students can earn a certificate that can be displayed ...
Adeline Wharton Learning Designer and Instructor, Business Process Improvement & Analysis, Michigan State University “We’ve used Vyond videos to explain some serious legal topics, and they get positive reception from judges, state's attorneys, and circuit clerks.” ...
Certified inAI For Business Specializationfrom Wharton Business School Certified NLP Practitioner & Coach Featured speaker at events like Humanize Your Business and on podcasts like SocialPros My mission is to demystify AI for SMB leaders, helping you harness its power to drive growth, efficiency, an...