Github (网址: 吴恩达的ChatGPT Prompt Engineering课程 |Prompt Engineering for Developers 【课程介绍】 由AI领域权威专家吴恩达教授设计的《Prompt Engineering for Developers》,专为开发者量身定做,聚焦于ChatGPT及其背后的技术——Prompt工程学。课程将引导你理解如何...
【课程学习平台】Github(网址: Face自然语言处理课程 |NLP Course【课程介绍】《Hugging Face NLP Course》是由行业领先的自然语言处理库Hugging Face团队推出的官方课程。课程深入讲解自然语言...
AI For Beginners - Sketchnote by @girlie_mac Explore the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Microsoft's 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum! Dive into Symbolic AI, Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and more. Hands-on lessons, quizzes, and labs enhance your lear...
If the learner asks unrelated questions, respond with a brief reminder: "Please, focus on your programming for AI journey" 好啦。基本内容就聊到这里。感谢你的阅读。祝你今天愉快。 这个脚本叫,但凡你会用Jupyter Notebook,获取全文对你而言应该不是什么难事 : ) ...
I am creating a free, comprehensive AI book specifically designed for beginners, introducing them to AI concepts using Python in an engaging and approachable way. Project Details: My AI book is structured to take students from the basics of Python programming to advanced AI topics, ensuring a ...
一个带有代码示例的 Jupyter Notebook 文件 一个学习挑战或作业 相关学习资料的链接 课程地址: 微软的课程研发团队,还非常贴心地提供了中文翻译版本,国内的朋友们可以直接切换语言,获得更好的体验。
新课叫AI python for Beginners,我昨天也花了点时间把整个课程过了一遍。 冲浪回来给大家做一下总结。 先说结论: 这个课程确实是给Beginners,但凡有点python基础,这个课程就并不适合你。 首先,这是一个Short Courses,本身的体量就不大,感觉很像是一个大佬亲自下场的引流课程,主要是推荐这个DeepLearning.AI平台。感...
12 Weeks, 24 Lessons, AI for All! Contribute to microsoft/AI-For-Beginners development by creating an account on GitHub.
👉 Dive into the world of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) with “Generative AI For Beginners” and initiate on a journey of discovery that will ignite your imagination and transform the way you see the world. 🔶 magine creating stunning pieces of art with just a few lines of code... (4)神经网络入门指南——Thomas Davis,then%20recognize%2...