^Bostrom, N. (2002). Existential risks: Analyzing human extinction scenarios and related hazards. Journal of Evolution and technology, 9.https://nickbostrom.com/existential/risks ^危崖:生存性风险与人类的未来https://book.douban.com/subject/35618288/...
True, some components of uncertainty are typically involved in real-world scenarios, for it is often hard to assess risk by means of point-like probabilistic values, and AI makes no exception. Still, the uncertainty in question can be quantified. However, this is not always the case: several...
and they'll refuse. However, it's possible to "jailbreak" them – which means to bypass those safeguards using creative language, hypothetical scenarios, and trickery.
Concerns about AI becoming the operating authority of the world is among the more farfetched scenarios when it comes to AI consuming itself, according to Wang. It is his belief that if this were to happen, we would likely witness AI-wars or wars between different models. Major corporations wi...
"I'm not personally that concerned aboutextinction risk, at least for now, because the scenarios are not that concrete," said Marcus in San Francisco. "A more general problem that I am worried about... is that we're building AI systems that we don't have very good control over and I...
Many scenarios involve thoughtless or malicious deployment rather than self-interested bots. In a paper posted online last week, Stuart Russell and Andrew Critch, AI researchers at the University of California, Berkeley (who also both signed the CAIS statement), give a taxonomy of existential ...
Bostrom, N.: Existential risks: Analyzing human extinction scenarios and related hazards. Journal Evol Technol,9(1), 2001. Bostrom, N.: Information hazards: A typology of potential harms from knowledge. Rev. Contemp. Philos.10, 44–79 (2011). ...
would mean a 10 percent chance of losing control over weaponized superhuman AIs. Alternatively, they might estimate that using AIs to automate bioweapons research could lead to a 10 percent chance of leaking a deadly pathogen. Both of these scenarios could lead to catastrophe or even extinction....
such scenarios should not be dismissed. but all involve a huge amount of guesswork, and a leap from today's technology. and many imagine that future ais will have unfettered access to energy, money and computing power, which are real...
Because if we happen to pick the wrong one, any actually competent optimizer spirals into a corner solution resembling some of the above scenarios. This isn’t the AI trolling you — it’s the AI being really good at its job of optimizing over an objective function. Do AIs real...