2014年10月,百度研究院的Junhua Mao和Wei Xu等人在arXiv上发布论文《Explain Images with Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks》,提出了multimodal Recurrent Neural Network(即m-RNN)模型,创造性地将深度卷积神经网络CNN和深度循环神经网络RNN结合起来,用于解决图像标注和图像和语句检索等问题。通过14年的相关新闻可知,W...
针对图像数据的分类解释,主要包括以下几个主要的函数:lime_image.LimeImageExplainer().explain_instance(image,classifier_fn,segmentation_fn),get_image_and_mask(label,num_features) 第一个函数是核心函数,输入是要解释的图像,分类器以及语义分割的函数,其中语义分割函数需要自定义,然后通过第二个函数把需要解释的...
In a CNN the intermediate activations in the model are a mult-channel image that have the dimensions channel x rows x cols, and the various explainabiltiy methods work with these to produce a new image. In case of another architecture, like the Vision Transformer, the shape might be differe...
One way to explain AI vision is through what's called attribution methods, which employ heatmaps to identify the most influential regions of an image that impact AI decisions. However, these methods mainly focus on the most prominent regions of an image—revealing "where" the model looks, but...
To access the entire dashboard with all the explainability techniques under one roof, follow the code down below. It is great for sharing your work with your peers and managers in an interactive and easy to understand way. 5.1. Pass your model and dataset into the explainX function: ...
Once you feed your text prompt into an AI video generation tool, a ton of work happens under the hood to create your shiny new video. We asked text generation softwareDeepAIto explain it to us. This is what it came back with:
“That algorithm works in a way like finding a point in a space,” Wang Jianshuo, founder and CEO of Baixing AI, a company building the basic infrastructure for a world that bots talk with bots, tried to explain how it works in plain langu...
actual medical needs. More specifically, there have been surveys focused uniquely on transparent techniques for medical imaging. The interpretability methods to explain deep learning models were categorized in detail based on technical similarities, along with the progress made on the corresponding evaluatio...
5. Explain: 解释 Explain why bubble tea is so popular around the world: 解释为什么珍珠奶茶在全世界那么受欢迎 Explain why university education is so high in the US: 解释为什么美国大学学费如此昂贵 6. Compare: 比较 (经常搭配contrast, compare and contrast) ...
Global Explanation: Explain the whole Model Global 的 Explanation 是什麼意思呢,我们在前一堂课讲的是 Local 的 Explanation,也就是给机器一张照片,那它告诉我们说,看到这张图片,它為什麼觉得裡面有一隻猫 而Global 的 Explanation 并不是针对,特定某一张照片来进行分析,而是把我们训练好的那个模型拿出来,根据...