可以,您可使用 Smallpdf AI 問題產生器,從 PDF 產生測試和測驗問題。 只需將您的檔案上傳至此頁面頂部的工具內,選擇您要建立的問題類型,您的問題及答案將在幾秒鐘內準備就緒。 AI 可以建立測驗嗎? 可以,AI 絕對可從任何文件建立測驗。 例如,Smallpdf 的 AI 問題產生器,會取得 PDF 的內容並自動產生選擇題、...
The AI Question Generator can create multiple-choice, true-or-false, and open-ended questions. As soon as you upload your document, you can pick the type of questions you want to create. You can always ask the AI to tweak your questions, or you can change the question type entirely. An...
Generate questions & quizzes in seconds on any topic with ProProfs AI. Create free hiring & training assessments featuring various question types.
This multiple-choice question generator is part of the AI Toolkit created for teachers by Quizizz. The AI toolkit is designed to help educators reduce the time they spend doing repetitive tasks that AI can handle and instead focus on supporting their students in ways that only they can!
AI Question Generator Generate questions on any topic in seconds with ProProfs AI. Get questions in multiple formats, with answer explanations. Next Everything You Need to Create Online Quizzes,Exams &Assessments Branding & Themes Personalize your quizzes by adding a beautiful custom theme featuring...
Quillionz has a simple 4 step process to generate questions and summary notes from your text content. Experience the power of AI. Get started for free now.
Our AI question generator can help you make amazing quizzes that get you the data and engagement you need while giving your audience a smooth and fun experience. Quick & Simple to Create Make a delightful quiz in seconds. All you need to do is pick a topic, number of questions, and le...
Create custom AI study resources for any subject including quizzes, flashcards, podcasts & homework help. Loved by students & teachers worldwide. Get started for free!
Traditional quiz creation is challenging. AIQuizGen, an AI quiz generator, simplifies it. WithoutAI Quiz Generator •Time-consuming manual creation •Limited question variety •Frequent errors and biases •Hard to personalize WithAI Quiz Generator ...
AI-Powered Quiz Question Generator。使用人工智能制作您自己的测验。非常适合教师、电子学习和人力资源专业人士。或者只是生成独特的琐事问题和答案来获得乐趣! 简单的粘贴文本,输入网址,或上传文件,点击生成。从多项选择,简短答案,或判断题中选择。 起步定价:11/mo 免费试用:免费增值 产品问答(0) 问题: Quiz...