Zaharchuk. “Advancing AI ethics beyond compliance: From principles to practice,” IBM Corporation, April 2020. [Online]. Available: (accessed: April. 19 2022) [154] Responsible AI. [Online]. Available: (accessed: April. 19 2022). [155] F...
The Role and Limits of Principles in AI Ethics: Towards a Focus on Tensions 摘要:在过去的几年里,人工智能伦理原则激增。不同的原则之间有很大的重叠,人们普遍认为人工智能应该用于公共利益,不应该被用来伤害人们或破坏他们的权利,并且应该尊重广泛持有的价值观,如公平、隐私和自治。虽然阐明和同意原则很重要,但...
Ethics board (道德委员会,词组)—— 即一个没有实权的顾问小组,召集起来让你的公司表现出乐于倾听的样子。如谷歌的 AI 道德委员会(已取消),Facebook 的监督委员会(仍存在)。 Ethics principles(伦理原则,词组)—— 用来表明你动机良好的老生常谈。保持高水平,语言越模糊越好,参见 responsible AI。 Explainable(...
However, lessons must be learned from the shortcomings of AI ethics principles to ensure the future investments, collaborations, standards, codes or legislation reflect the diversity of voices and incorporate the experiences of those who are already impacted by the biased algorithms....
What is AI ethics? Ethics is a set of moral principles which help us discern between right and wrong. AI ethics is a multidisciplinary field that studies how to optimize the beneficial impact of artificial intelligence (AI) while reducing risks and adverse outcomes. Examples of AI ethics ...
AI Ethics is now a global topic of discussion in academic and policy circles. At least 84 public-private initiatives have produced statements describing high-level principles, values, and other tenets to guide the ethical development, deployment, and governance of AI. According to recent meta-...
Privacy and data ethics- Has appropriate consent been obtained for any personal data used to train the model? Performance and safety- Has the appropriate level of testing and validation been performed to ensure the model output is sufficiently accurate? Is there a plan in place for ongoing...
AI Principles: Recommendations on the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Department of Defense Defense Innovation Board 1 I. Purpose The leadership of the Department of Defense (DoD) tasked the Defense Innovation Board (DIB) with proposing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics Principles for...
http://bing.comAI Safety Landscape - AI Principles and Ethics by Design (Jeff Cao)字幕版之后会放出,敬请持续关注欢迎加入人工智能机器学习群:556910946,会有视频,资料放送
Common AI ethics principles, terms, and definitions Creating ethical AI principles for an organization Who’s responsible for AI ethics Implementing AI ethics training, governance, and technical processes Ethical AI use cases and implementations