图片 5、 Turnitin AI Detector: 海外留学生保命工具,适用课程作业、毕业论文投稿前自查。检测逻辑和传统查重不同,它通过分析句式复杂度、词汇重复规律、段落逻辑连贯性等判断是否为AI生成。曾有学生用Claude生成方法论部分,Turnitin标红。 6、 QuillBot(学术模式):同届学生都在卷的隐藏功能 粘贴AI生成的段落到QuillBot...
If you want to have more interaction with us on AI tools, please come and participate in the Library AI Idea Exchange Camp for the next session. Let’s explore together on the potential of AI in empowering both learning and work. Turnitin For more informat...
吉雷曾撰写过关于检测人工智能抄袭局限性的文章,并发现检测程序缺乏背景信息,比如对于非英语母语者的情况。 A study from the University of Washington found that Turnitin’s AI detector found 25% false positives when analyzing work that did not use AI. 华盛顿大...
维普检测AI:不仅能查重,也能在一定程度上评估文本的 AI 生成可能性。turnitin+AI:系统一般适合国外留...
Testing Turnitin’s New AI Detector: How Accurate Is It? BestColleges Artificial intelligence, it seems, is taking over the world. At least that's what alarmists wouldhave you believe. The line between fact and fiction continues to blur, and recognizing what is real versus what some bot conc...
Turnitin’s AI detector capabilities
学生论文组:Copyleaks、Turnitin、GPT Radar和ContentDetector的准确率最高,误报率最低。Originality.ai、Scribbr等9款工具的准确率在85%以上。SEO.ai、Sapling和ZeroGPT这三款工具的误报率较高。 (42篇GPT-3.5生成文章的检测结果) GPT-3.5组:大部分的工具能够识别GPT-3.5生成的内容,准确率在86%以上。但是,Cross...
AI detector:对于检查AI生成的文本的查重,可以使用一种称为”AI detector”的工具,它利用机器学习和自然语言处理技术来识别和比较文本的相似性。AI detector通常使用训练好的模型,该模型经过大量文本数据的训练,学习了语义和语法规则,以及不同文本之间的关联。它可以将输入的AI生成文本与已知的文本数据库进行比较,并计算...
AI Undetect's AI Detector is highly practical for office tasks, as it uses advanced technology to ensure AI-generated content goes unnoticed, maintaining the integrity and professionalism of workplace documents. Students can leverage the AI Checker tool to ensure their academic papers are free from...
Is This AI Humanizer Free? Does AI Humanize Bypass AI detectors? Can Content Created with AI Humanize Perform Well in Search Engine Rankings? How Does Our Pricing Work? How Does the Built-in AI Detector Work? Discover the power of AI Humanizer and AI Detector with AI Humanize. Join...