Why choose Turnitin’s AI detector? Trusted by educators globally Turnitin’s AI writing detection capabilities have been enabled by a large number of our customers. It has also been independently shown to have high effectiveness in correctly identifying AI-generated content, when compared to other ...
Turnitin uses cookies and other technologies to help us understand how our sites are used and to personalize our content and the advertising you see. The information we collect from you through these technologies may be shared with third parties, including advertising, social media, and analytics ...
但是最近西大校报发了一篇帖子——“Western stops using Turnitin AI written detection software”,表示西大停止使用Turnitin AI去检测学生的作业。 西大将停止使用Turnitin的人工智能书面检测软件,原因是有报告称该平台的检测结果不准确。 西大周五在X上发文宣...
现在最权威也是出版社最认可的AI写作检测工具当属Turnitin公司旗下的AI Detection工具。
Founded in 1998, Turnitin was launched as an edTech firm that provides enterprise solutions to academic institutions. Formed by 4 students at the University of California, Berkeley, the company initially started as a plagiarism-detection system. Over the years, the company expanded its services and...
这不仅有助于教师监督学生使用生成式AI工具进行学术研究的情况,确保学术诚信,也让学生无需担忧因AI检测所引发的误判。 参考资料: ·Turnitin: Celebrates one year for AI writing detection ·The Star: Balancing academic integrity and AI 本文图片源于Turnitin和Tech&Learning...
Yes. Turnitin has released its AI writing detection capabilities to help educators uphold academic integrity while ensuring that students are treated fairly. We have added an AI writing indicator to the Similarity Report. It shows an overall percentage of the document that AI writing tools, ...
Teachers can use a variety of methods to check students' academic honesty. One common method is to use plagiarism detection software such as Turnitin, which can identify instances of plagiarism by comparing students' work ...
AI detection software has been criticized for the false identification of text. For instance,TurnItIn, an AI writing-detection tool, recently revealed a proliferation of false positive results in its evaluation of written content, indicating that the system inaccurately flagged human-produced texts ...
This is where resources such asTurnitincome in. Turnitin is a plagiarism tracker and has recently been updated with a new AI detection tool. This program is vital for teachers concerned about their students turning to AI to complete assignments. ...