Ascribing human-like qualities to non-human things like computers or animals — a concept known as anthropomorphism — isn't new. Long before Siri and Alexa, there wasEliza, a natural language processing computer program created in the 1960s at MIT. Researchers at the Norman Nielsen Group have...
And as with public option health care, the government need not do it all. It can contract with private providers to assemble the resources it needs to provide AI services. The U.S. could alsosubsidize and incentivizethe behavior of key supply chain operators like semiconductor manufacturers, as...
Commentators interested in the societal implications of automated decision-making often overlook how decisions are made in the technology’s absence.
2. Conceptual and Application Background In broad terms, AI is defined as "machines or computers that mimic cognitive functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as learning and problem solving" [23]. In other words, AI, where machines mimic human cognitive functions, can make ...