谷歌DeepMind公司研发的的机器人基础模型Robotic Transformer 2(RT-2)处于业内领先水平,可用于操作其姊妹公司Everyday Robots打造的移动机械臂。同其它机器人基础模型一样,它也是用互联网和机器人操作视频进行训练的。得益于线上训练,即使指令超出视频学习范围,RT-2也可以完成指令[1]。例如,它可以按照指令将饮料罐放到...
美国机器人公司创新中心MassRobotics的联合创始人Joyce Sidopoulos指出,这些机器人一般用于执行特定任务,在特定环境中工作,或在一定程度上还需要人工控制。美国机器人公司Boston Dynamics研发的机器人Atlas,曾在2018年展示了令人惊叹的跑酷技能...
经过训练的机器人基础模型可以观察场景,并利用所学来预测什么操作能带来最佳结果。 谷歌DeepMind公司研发的的机器人基础模型Robotic Transformer 2(RT-2)处于业内领先水平,可用于操作其姊妹公司Everyday Robots打造的移动机械臂。同其它机器人基础模型一样,它也是用互联网和机器人操作视频进行训练的。得益于线上训练,即...
Meanwhile, physical robots like Hermes the rescue robot from MIT, and Atlas, the robot that can Parkour, from Boston Dynamics, look distinctly male in their shape and form. Is it because they are stronger with a more male looking shape? Pascale Fung Professor of Electronic and Computer Enginee...
Boston Dynamics and Toyota Research Institute (TRI) announced on Tuesday that they are partnering to developgeneral-purpose humanoid robots. Boston Dynamics will contribute its new electricAtlas robot to the task, while TRI will utilize its industry-leading Large Behavior Models. ...
去年年底,机器人公司Agility 展示了它一直在做的工作,即利用生成式人工智能来全面提升人类与机器人交流效率。在谷歌Everyday Robots 机器人团队关闭之前,神经网络的使用是该团队的一个重点项目。与此同时,特斯拉CEO马斯克所负责Grok AI和Optimus(“擎天柱”人形机器人)——这两个项目无疑迟早会相互衔接。
Boston Dynamics unveil new Atlas AI humanoid robotBoston Dynamics announced the retirement of their hydraulic Atlas robot and unveiled a new, fully electric update they say is "designed for real-world applications".Friday 19 April 2024 14:37, UK Artificial Intelligence Boston Dynamics Robots ...
[1]. From BigDog to SpotMini: Tracing the evolution of Boston Dynamics robo-dogs, Dyllan Furness,2018 [2]. 浅谈人工智能:现状、任务、架构与统一,朱松纯,《视觉求索》,2017年 [3]. Why Google wanted to sell - and Softbank wanted to buy - Boston Dynamics, which makes crazy robots, D'Angelo...
[1]. From BigDog to SpotMini: Tracing the evolution of Boston Dynamics robo-dogs, Dyllan Furness,2018 [2]. 浅谈人工智能:现状、任务、架构与统一,朱松纯,《视觉求索》,2017年 [3]. Why Google wanted to sell - and Softbank wanted to buy - Boston Dynamics, which makes crazy robots, D'Angelo...
6.Evan Ackerman,Boston Dynamics Is Getting Ready to Produce Lots of SpotMinis 关注网易智能公众号(smartman163),为你解读AI领域大公司大事件,新观点新应用。