Ask the AI assistant for: Explanations of code sections (for example, when you're trying to understand someone else's code) Answers to your programming questions Profile and debug quicker Get help profiling and debugging your code: Optimize performance based on AI suggestions ...
AI Voice Assistant App for Windows. With advanced voice recognition technology and sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms, our app provides a seamless and intuitive experience that can simplify your life and increase productivity. Experie
10. Braina Virtual Assistant – Best for PC users viaBraina Virtual Assistant Braina is not as widely known as giants like Cortana, Google Assistant, or Siri, but it offers a suite of tools tailored for PC users who seek a more personalized and efficient voice-controlled experience. Braina...
AIPersonalAssistant provides a simple yet effective solution for engaging with AI through your Xbox, Windows PC, and Windows Mobile devices. This app allows you to experience hands-on interactions with an AI powered by Gemini. Key Features: Powered
The following table describes key ways in which an AI assistant can help you develop in Visual Studio:Code faster Let AI help you: Generating code and entire function suggestions (for example, how to write code to perform a task by describing it in natural language) Predicting what you'll...
AI Restoration Assistant AI Speech Enhancement AI Wind Removal AI Vocal Removal and Boost AI De-Reverb Compatibility: Windows TechRadar Rating: 4/5 AI Tools: 5/5 Price: Free *Premium subscription available for $4.33/month AudioDirector is a top free AI tool for audio restoration and editing, ...
通过使用语音服务的语音助理,开发人员为其应用程序和体验创建自然的、类似于人类的对话界面。 语音助理服务在设备和助理实现之间提供快速、可靠的交互。 选择助理解决方案 创建语音助理的第一步是确定希望其执行什么操作。 语音服务为构建助手交互提供多种补充性解决方案。 你可能希望你的应用程序支持使用“我需要...
Voice Activation/Assistant questions on Windows Hi MSFT team, I want to ask, If a ATL Service(.exe) is a UWP App ? to use voice assistant features on Windows. As we know, only UWP app can use voice activation/assistant. when voice activation return keyword detected, how can I get Sign...
On Windows, after installing gptscript you may need to restart your terminal for the changes to take effect The above script is a simple chat-based assistant. You can ask it questions and it will answer to the best of its ability.Community...
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