GoArt is a kind of AI art generator, converting your text to image in seconds. Various AI art styles to choose from, such as cyberpunk, anime, surrealism, oil painting, conceptual art illustration, etc, helps you create the dream AI photos precisely. You only need to enter a text prompt...
- Blend yourself into your favorite painting or cartoon, or design a whole new look for you and your family. ► Use Text Editing Customize your images and photos, adjusting tiny details with simple commands. Whether you want to change hair color, add a background, or adjust lighting, endl...
They create a new visual effect for your photos, highlighting specific colors and making your image look like a painting. Some can even change your background, so they’re perfect for everything from selfies to landscape photos. 10 Best AI Filter Apps As AI’s popularity grows, more apps ...
Lensa is a super intuitive camera app designed to help you capture the best image possible. Unlike most camera apps, it uses a subscription model, worth every penny if you are a smartphone photography enthusiast. There is also a seven-day free trial, so you try the app out for yourself....
Adobe has provided more information about an upcoming drawing and painting app it is developing for the iPad for release later in 2019, including replacing its 'Project Gemini' name with a proper release title — Adobe Fresco.
I was able to replace Gunther with grass that matches the rest of the image—including the depth of field blur—just by painting over him once. I was also able to replace the background with a different forest—again, matching the depth of field—just by selecting it and typing "a dark...
Modify the look and feel of your painting with nine styles in Standard Mode, eight styles in Panorama Mode, and different materials ranging from sky and mountains to river and stone. Plus, you can paint on different layers to keep elements separate. You can start from scratch or get ...
The app combines hundreds of photos taken over a period of three to nine seconds, which creates an effect that makes light streaks from a car at night, or makes flowing water look smooth like a painting, or removes crowds of people from a popular spot. You typically n...
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