Well, it kicked off an AI craze that’s not just a flash in the pan — it’s changing the face of the UX design industry. If you’ve tried Googling AI design tools lately, you’re not alone, as search volume for AI tools has skyrocketed a whopping1700%between 2022 and 2023. The ...
这款用于UX调研的AI工具可以模拟眼动跟踪研究、偏好测试,并生成类似于热点图的数据视觉效果。它通过研究注意力图像(可替代5秒测试和眼动跟踪研究)、清晰度分数(也可替代快速偏好测试)和感兴趣的领域(可量化内部关键要素,并进行快速的AB测试)这三个方面来提供精确的见解,从而节省时间和资源。目前像是微软、IBM, Spot...
关键词:「mobile app for finance, design, ux/ui, dribbble styled, light, bright v4」 关键词:「createplay storescreens for a finance app, 5 pages, to add under app in play store to explain more about the app. High quality, mobile app design, 3d elements, ui/ux, figma, dribble, blue,...
https://js.design/ai-muses/create?source=bjh&plan=yzbjh0904 2、 Uizard Uizard是一个非常棒的AI设计助手,它可以自动将手绘草图和界面截图转换成可编辑的UI/UX设计作品,大大简化了设计迭代的过程,极大地提高了设计效率。另外,它的智能自动设计功能还可以通过简单的文字提示生成界面模型,为设计师提供无限灵感。3...
像Midjourney原先由AI 艺术项目实验室打造出来的生成艺术工具,在席卷插画界的同时,也有不少UI/UX设计师探索从输入文本到图像生成界面的应用方式。 ▴旅游APP由 Davis Taylor Brown 基于AI生成 ▴电影APP由Davis Taylor Brown基于AI生成 当然,AI是基于现有的数据库,各取所长输出符合指令的图像,这涉及到版权问题。
UI/UX Designer Svitlana, our UI/UX designer, brings a wealth of experience and creativity to our design team. With a strong understanding of user-centered design principles, she designs intuitive and visually appealing digital products. Her ability to anticipate user needs and ...
At first glance, Midjourney might seem like a substitute for an illustrator, with no connection to UX design. However, we have found two practical ways to utilize the app: Moodboards Conveying the mood you want your app to have is challenging, and arriving at a solution everyone likes migh...
UX设计师(AI眼镜配套手机&网页端) 20-40k 深圳-龙华区 3-8年 统招本科 聊一聊 吴先生 52分钟前在线 已认证 招聘专员 · 闪极科技 聊一聊 职位介绍 工作内容: 1、负责 AI 眼镜配套的移动端 & 网页端整体用户体验设计根据产品定位与业务需求,搭建手机 App 与 Web 平台的交互流程、信息架构和界面布局...
关键词:「hight-resolution interface ui ux design app for stock trading app」 关键词:「Banking app ui」 关键词:「bank app design ui ux with logo」 关键词:「banking mobile app clean ui ux behance dribbble inspiration」 四、科技图表风格 图表界面是金融类产品中很重要的组成部分,利用多种图表样式来...
This just changes the game for product teams. Nolan Perkins @_radnolan @uizard just dropped a Figma plugin and I think it’s going to change my ui & ux design process! Uizard I think is going to help bridge the gap from idea to visualization which will help designers move faster, and...