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But think they can be programmed to guide students through questions instead of giving them the answer. What's more, Al tutors(助教) can provide 24/7 support for students. Al is here to stay, Either you move with the times, or the times move with you!
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ThepowerofChatGPTliesinitsspeedandunderstandingofcomplicated(复杂的)matters.Wemayspendhoursresearching,understandingandwritinganarticleonacertaintopic.ButChatGPTcanproduceawell-writtenoneinseconds.Anothergoodthingaboutitisthatifyouaskdark,harmfulquestions,suchashowtomakeweapons(武器),itwillnotgiveyouananswer. Cha...
Competition thrives on Brainly with learning-based leaderboards, badges, and achievements. Make tough questions a competition for others as you get rewards for answering the trickiest questions. Learning can take a lot of effort, but it doesn’t need to be all work and no play. ...
PowerBrain Ask AI Chatbot enables users to ask AI questions in natural language via a user-friendly search bar. This innovative AI answer engine finds accurate and factual answers while addressing users’ exact queries. With features like instant answers and follow-up questions, users receive a ...
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description of the problem, and adjacent to it code that addresses that problem. The issue, though, is that the correct code comes from experienced developers answering questions and having those questions upvoted by other developers; what happens if ChatGPT starts being used to answer questions?