The impact of the industrial and digital (information) revolutions has, undoubtedly, been substantial on practically all aspects of our society, life, firms and employment. Will the forthcoming AI revolution produce similar, far-reaching effects? By examining analogous inventions of the industrial, dig...
AIandEnglishLearning InordertoexploretheimpactofAIonEnglishlearningandexchangeideasabout itsadvantagesanddisadvantages,ourclasshostedadiscussionon“AIandEnglish Learning”lastweek. ManystudentsnotedthepotentialbenefitsofAI,suchasprovidingpersonalized learningandinstantfeedback.However,somealsoexpressedconcernsaboutthe ...
doi:10.1007/978-981-19-1496-6_3In general, AI is defined as mechanical devices that are capable of calculating, learning, and making decisions autonomously.Lee, JaeminSeoul National University
The impact of the industrial and digital (information) revolutions has, undoubtedly, been substantial on practically all aspects of our society, life, firms and employment. Will the forthcoming AI revolution produce similar, far-reaching effects? By examining analogous inventions of the industrial, dig...
Brief history of AI's impact on society At the 1956 Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence, co-host John McCarthy introduced the phraseartificial intelligenceand helped incubate an organized community of AI researchers. Often AI hype outpaced the actual capacities of anything thos...
We might not know everything about the world, but something is guaranteed – every change that comes into our lives will impact us in a way. The same applies toartificial intelligence. Ever since it’s surfaced, people have been wondering what its impact on society will be. ...
In the realm of technological competition, demonstrated capability proves more persuasive than rhetoric. China progresses resolutely along its distinctive path of technological advancement. Academic metrics reveal dominance in basic research through both volume and influence of high-impact publications. The na...
Explore the ways in which Europe’s unique blend of cultures, robust regulatory environment, and exceptional talent pool are converging to unleash the full potential of generative AI—a force poised to reshape the region’s industries, redefine its societal norms, and establish Europe as a global...
So, with many organizations already experimenting with generative AI, its impact on business and society is likely to be colossal—and will happen stupendously fast. The obvious downside is that knowledge work will change. Individual roles will change, sometimes significantly, so workers will need ...