AI and Automation Cloud for home care and healthcare providers to automate end-to-end home care processes using our pre-built solution.
machine learning and automation provide unique opportunities to expand capabilities and improve mission delivery. AI and automation can lead to greater capacity and speed as well as improved employee and citizen engagement and experience.
Home automation is a field that is becoming progressively relevant in our day-to-day lives. The market has several such systems for conventional households but none of those is aimed at aiding the differently-abled users. This paper presents a glove-based system that......
不久前,亚马逊 MARS 大会在加州棕榈泉市举行。MARS 4个字母分别代表:Machine Learning机器学习、Home Automation家庭自动化、Robotics机器人和 Space Exploration 太空探索, 大会东道主是亚马逊创始人兼董事长杰夫?贝佐斯。 在本届大会上,一款名叫 Eyeriss 的人工智能芯片的亮相成为了大会的热点之一,该款芯片由 MIT 电气...
“While most of the use of this AI technology is stifoll elementary at the moment, it is radically transforming our everyday lives; both professionally and personally.” The benefits of AI and automation for HR and the workforce don’t come instantly, however. It’s a journey and one can...
Experience the powerful synergy of AI, Automation, and RPA at work in the industries most advanced and unified automation platform, delivering secure enterprise AI-powered process intelligence and automations.
Artificial intelligence isn’t a new phenomenon but with powerful systems like ChatGPT hitting the scene, conversations around automation and the role of AI have accelerated. Clearly, we are in the midst of a big transformation in the way we work. So what does the emergence of new AI-powered...
Welcome to the new era of work Are You Ready? Are you ready for the new era of work where the intersection of human and artificial intelligence creates better outcomes, optimizes time, and saves your organization money? Are You Ready? Globally Recognized
AICG is a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence (ML and NLP), Data Integration, Business Analytics services and pre-built solutions.