and4regulation and ethics.Annex 5 contains the full list of subindicators and details on the index construction ology.Although each component of the AIPI is important individually,preparedness for AI-induced structural transation will likely rely on the collective perance in all areas.For example,...
为了应对上述人工智能带来的伦理问题,联合国教育、科学及文化组织于2021年11月23日通过《人工智能伦理 问题建议书》(Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence,“ 《建议书》”),提出了人工 智能系统生命周期的所有行为者应尊重的价值观和原则以及落实前述价值观和原则的政策行动,建议会员国在 自愿基础...
of AI systems in existing fora and other relevant initiatives, and the recognition that the protection of human rights, transparency and explainability, fairness, accountability, regulation, safety, appropriate human oversight, ethics, bias mitigation, privacy and data protection needs to be addressed. ...
and governance;open innovation and ecosystems;application modernization;responsible AI and ethics;and tech spend.Chapter 8 Tech spendHow will you pay for it81Chapter 4 Plats,data,and governanceBe a creator,not a consumer41Chapter 7 Responsible AI and ethicsEthics cant be delegated71Chapter 6 ... 韩国 Deepmind 的 AlphaGo 打败韩国围棋世界冠军李世石给了韩国很大的刺激。全球超过 1 亿的观众围观了那场在首尔举办的为期六天的锦标赛,AlphaGo 以 4:1 的惊人战绩打败了李世石。比赛结束仅仅两天之后,韩国政府就公...
php/aimagazine/article/ view/2731; Cutler, Adam, Milena Pribić, Lawrence Humphrey, Francesca Rossi, Anna Sekaran, Jim Spohrer, and Ryan Caruthers. "Everyday Ethics for Artificial Intelligence." IBM Design for AI. everydayethics.pdf; "Ethics in...
"The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence" by Nick Bostrom and Eliezer Yudkowsky. The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, 2014. "An Introduction to the Consequentialism Debate in Artificial Intelligence Ethics" by James Barrat. Harvard ... 韩国 Deepmind 的 AlphaGo 打败韩国围棋世界冠军李世石给了韩国很大的刺激。全球超过 1 亿的观众围观了那场在首尔举办的为期六天的锦标赛,AlphaGo 以 4:1 的惊人战绩打败了李世石。比赛结束仅仅两天之后,韩国政府就公...
伦理和价值(Ethicsandvalues)、长期问题(Longer-termIssues)。科研 问题主要包括研究问题、研究经费、科学与政策的联系、科研文化和避免战争; 伦理与价值主要包括安全性、故障透明性、司法透明性、责任、价值归属、人类 价值观、个人隐私、自由和隐私、分享利益、共同繁荣、人类控制、非颠覆和 AI军备竞赛;长期问题包括能力...
andEthics;TowardsGeneralistBiomedicalAI;GenerativeAITracker:Aguidetothehealthsystemsandcompaniesdriving adoption;人工智能大模型赋能医疗健康产业白皮书;中国医学生培养与学生发展调查报告 25 “通用”基因编辑 更“通用”的基因编辑工具,更“泛化”的适应症,陆续进入临床, 人工智能加速临床前研究。 年底,全球首款CRISPR基...