AI-900 Preparation DetailsPreparing for the AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Certificate exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the AI-900 Certificate Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).I have curated a list of articles from Microsoft documentation for each objective...
This study guide will assist students in understanding what to expect on the exam, as well as the topics covered and extra resources. Raccoon students studying for the AI-900 exam What to Expect on the Exam The Exam AI-900 measures the learner’s knowledge of AI and ML concepts...
With recent announcements about ChatGPT and OpenAI being integrated into services such as Bing and Microsoft Edge, and app development assistant solutions like Copilot from GitHub, Artificial Intelli...
Features of NLP workloads on Azure(25-30%)一定要看官网Study Guide里的详细考点,很有用!(二)、微软AI102认证 AI-102适合对AI感兴趣且具备一定Azure基础的开发人员和解决方案构架师。考试会评估你在设计和实施AI解决方案方面的能力。AI-102比AI-900考试更深入,覆盖了更多进阶内容和实际应用。如果你没有任何...
你可以通过 AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 考试,获取微软 AI 基础认证。此考试是展示机器学习 (ML) 和人工智能 (AI) 概念以及相关 Microsoft Azure 服务知识的机会。此考试的考生应熟悉考试 AI-900 的自定进度或讲师引导式学习材料。该考试适用于具有技术和非技术背景的考生。不需要数据科学和软件工程...
1.Microsoft learning:AI-900就主要是跟着study guide来学。 2.油管视频:不好理解的概念,我跟着油管上freeCodeCamp的视频理解概念。 3.examtopic题库:报名之后老师会给一个ti库,建议多刷,真的用!! 4.线上考试:最后参加线上考试考试时间选择很多,可以根据自己的时间进行选择,考试前老师也会帮助进行考试环境测试,...
3️⃣ Learning Path:这是最重要的学习材料,包含许多视频中没有提到的内容,建议配合Study Guide一起学习。 4️⃣ ExamTopic题库:报名后将获得一套题库,多刷题是提升成绩的关键!💻 线上考试指南: 参加ParsonVue线上考试,考试时间灵活,可根据个人时间安排。考试前会有环境测试,确保考试顺利进行。考试结束后...
一定要看官网Study Guide里的详细考点,很有用! 考试报名流程: 1.找Candy老师缴费报名AI900客户;Candy老师wechat:Candy_2302 2.领取题库及学习路径; 3.看视频学习然后刷题; 4.复习好了提前一天约考,提前调试好设备准备考试; 5.考试当天预留一个小时考试; 6.考完马上出成绩,通过就有电子版证书! #职场 #IT ...
最近一周,我终于顺利通过了微软AI900认证!这个认证是Azure AI的基础使用认证,涵盖了机器学习和深度学习等智能算法,适用于各种场景,比如结构化数据、图片、文字和语音等。拿到这个认证,不仅能证明自己具备解决多种计算机视觉问题的能力,还能提升职业竞争力。毕竟,微软的基础认证还是有一定权威性和认可度的。
(ML) are rapidly transforming the software development landscape, making them essential skills for students who want to be at the forefront of this change. The "AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals" exam provides candidates with an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their ...