But where did this fear of clowns come from? Well, it actually came from a very real, very horrific string of murders perpetrated by a man in a clown costume. In this episode of True Fiction, Kurt Indovina digs into the most notorious murderous clown of them all, real-life serial killer...
It doesn't take long before Dell is presented as yet another 'Freak Show' villain, and the episode feels as though it's condensing two hours of plot down to one. 'AHS' is an everything-and-the-kitchen-sink kind of series that doesn't follow typical plot and pacing conventions, but l...
在线看HALLOWEEN: AHS Freak Show - Twisty the Clown.. 12分钟 46秒。2014 10月 29的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 97 — 已浏览。 2 — 已评价。
After announcing that all of the deaths on American Horror Story: Freak Show would be permanent, creator Murphy did something particularly shocking — he killed off the season's first "big bad," Twisty the Clown. Or at least it would be shocking, had the death actually stuck...
Angelica Ross Spilled Some Tea on the ‘AHS’ Finale ‘AHS’ Fans Think Season 10 Is About Bigfoot Was Last Night’s ‘AHS’ Too Short? What Does This ‘1984’ / ‘Asylum’ Connection Mean?! Did You Catch the La Llorona Connection on ‘AHS’?
Kai convinced Harrison to kill his boss at the gym, and later had his clown minions murder Beverly's rival Serena (Emma Roberts). As gruesome as all of that was, it wasn't exactly surprising— Kai's obviously had a grip on the minds of a lot of people since episode one. But ...
What does Twisty the Clown get up to during his off-hours? What's the Countess's backstory? Or perhaps we'll witness wholly new characters to add toAHS's dark and expansive universe. Only time will tell. Stay tuned for more updates!
Did you miss the homicidal clown played byJohn Carroll LynchonFreak Show? No? Too bad. Twisty's presence will clearly be felt, as evidenced by all those clowns. Murphy also revealeda behind-the-scenes photoof a Twisty comic book.
Those who watched closely may have noticed that during Elsa singing “Life on Mars,” the camera briefly cut to a depressed looking woman in a clown uniform who intently watched the performance unfold. Oh yeah, and she just so happened to look exactly like Elsa. All together now...