Then when season two,Asylum, premiered in 2012, we learned that the previous family and haunted house theme that we’d come to know had gone. We had a whole new story and lineup of characters to follow. The anthology style of the series and the anticipation leading up to the reveal of...
The 33-year-old first played ghost Nora Montgomery in season one's Murder House, followed by Sister Mary Eunice in season two's Asylum. In the third season, Coven, she played Misty Day, and only made one guest appearance in Freak Show. American Horror Story's fifth season, Hotel, which...
The 72-year-old has now been cast in the recurring role of Sam Goodwin in American Horror Story's second season, subtitled Asylum, according to Entertainment Weekly. Amy Farrington (Hung) and David Chisum (One Life to Live) have also signed up for roles on the show. Maroon 5 frontman Ad...