SBG Systems has defined proprietary ROS messages to report more detailed information from the AHRS/INS. These messages try to match as much as possible the sbgECom logs as they are output by the device. /sbg/statussbg_driver/SbgStatus ...
欧拉公式求圆周率的matlab代码-sbg_ros_driver:用于SBGSystemsIMU/AHRS/INS单元(例如ELLIPSE或Q 大数据 - Matlab空虚**扰人 上传419KB 文件格式 zip 欧拉公式求长期率的matlab代码sbg_driver 概述 SBG Systems IMU的ROS软件包。 该驱动程序允许用户配置IMU(如果可能,根据设备而定),以从Sbg消息协议接收消息,发布ROS...
ROS driver package for SBG Systems IMU, AHRS and INS. This driver package uses the sbgECom binary protocol to read data and configure SBG Systems devices. Initial work has been done by ENSTA Bretagne. Author: SBG Systems Maintainer: SBG Systems Contact: Features The ...