AHRQ Quality Indicators Workgroup on Inpatient and Patient Safety Composite MeasuresCarolyn M. Clancy
1 体系构成 2002 年至今,AHRQ 医疗质量评价体系先后公布了 4 个质量指标子系统,即预防质量指标 (Prevention Quality Indicators , PQIs) 、住院质量指标 (Inpatient Quality Indicators , IQIs) 、患者安全指标 (Patient Safety Indicators,PSIs)和儿童质量指标(Pediatric Quality Indicators,PDIs)[1]。 每个质量指标...
Small Numbers Limit the Use of the Inpatient Pediatric Quality Indicators for Hospital Comparison the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) pediatric quality indicators (PDIs), which measure pediatric inpatient adverse events such as decubitus... NS Bardach,AT Chien,RA Dudley - 《...
Rockville,MD20850http://.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov 505KingAvenue Columbus,OH43201 Disclaimer ThisdocumentisbasedonresearchconductedbyBattelleundercontracttotheAgencyforHealthcareesearchandQuality(AHRQ),Rockville,MD(ContractNo.HHSA290201200001C).Thefindingsandonclusionsinthisdocumentarethoseoftheauthor(s),who...
Patient safety indicators overview. 2006. AHRQ Quality Indicators. February. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. [accessed on 06/01/2010]. Available at: http://www.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/psi_overview.htm)Inpatient Quality Indicators Overview. AHRQ Quality Indicators. ...
AHRQPatientSafetyIndicators: Background Early1990s DevelopedbytheAgencyforHealthcare ResearchandQuality(AHRQ)tomeasure thesafetyofhospitalcareusing administrativeinpatientdischargedata. TheIndicatorsscreenforproblemsthat patientsexperienceasaresultofexposure tothehealthcaresystem. ConceptofPSIs Basedonconditionsthatclearl...
QiPatient safety has become a national priority since the Institute of Medicine report "To Err is Human." The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality developed the Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) to screen for potentially preventable patient safety events in the inpatient setting using hospital ...
Impact of date stamping on patient safety measurement in patients undergoing CABG: experience with the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators. BMC Health Serv Res 2008;8:176.Glance LG, Li Y, Osler TM, Mukamel DB, Dick AW. Impact of date stamping on patient safety measurement in patients undergoing ...
Inresponse, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has constructedPatient Safety Indicators (PSI) (6) to serve as the "state-of-the art in measuring thesafety of hospital care through the analysis of inpatient discharge data (6)."Laurent G. Glance...
Inresponse, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has constructedPatient Safety Indicators (PSI) (6) to serve as the "state-of-the art in measuring thesafety of hospital care through the analysis of inpatient discharge data (6)."Laurent G. Glance...