Save Charmfor any assassins/divers (eg.)who attempt to go onto your ADC. Use the CC duration to burst them down. Against champions who want to land a skillshot onto your ADC in order to burst them down, eg. Fizz R, don't be afraid to bodyblock that skillshot. You should have eithe...
And playing Ahri as bot/adc is actually very very good, especially into Kai'sa Dako74·11/26/2020 An idea for an Ahri Mini-Rework. P-Passive: INNATO-Zorruno Fire: After using an Ahri ability, gain an additional 40% movement speed that decays for 1.5 seconds, and his next ...
R Mage 0/1 Win/Loss <1% Pick Rate 2% Ban Rate Won BuildProbuildsRunesCountersMore Ahri BuildsProbuilds explained Defeat 3 hours ago 52:45 min 18 Piglet Adc 6/18/17 1.3 80 VS 249 CS 4.7 -33@10 KR 15.6 Victory yesterday 16:31 min ...
Import recent item sets from popular aggregators like in to League of Legends to use within game! No hassle. - Championify/tests/sources/fixtures/opgg/responses/ahri_statistics.html at master · dustinblackman/Championify