层次分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,简称AHP)是个很有趣又很 有用的东西,它提供一个有效的方法去进行复杂的决策,无论在一般生活、商业或学术研究上,都有很精采的应用。例如:软件开发管理之应用-在微软的 MSDN文件里,其利用AHP方法来评析与比较3个信息系统的质量,以决定那一个系统的质量最好。请参阅: nm ...
Thus, the objective is to apply the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to assist in the decision making of the best methodology for determining contaminants emerging from the type of hormones and Caffeine in surface water, comparing the Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and Liquid Chromatography ...
缺点: 对数据质量要求高:如果数据存在异常值或缺失值,可能会影响最终的权重结果。...熵权法与层次分析法(AHP)在效率和准确性方面的比较研究有哪些?...熵权法(The Entropy Weight Method)和层次分析法(AHP)是两种常用的权重计算方法,它们在效率和准确性方面各有优劣。...结合主观赋权方法:为了克服熵权法的客观性...
合理性评价;优劣解距离法;层次分析法;适应证;给药剂量 中图分类号:R971 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674 - 5515(2023)08 - 2056 - 05 DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.1674-5515.2023.08.040 Rationality evaluation of ketorolac tromethamine in cancer patients based on AHP weighted TOPSIS method GU Da-wei1, 2, LI...
This research study stress upon the qualified or comparative analysis between commercial and non-commercial Enterprise Service Buses (ESB) for large-scale organizations. We have used Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method known as Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on three criteria i.e...
According to the above, information about fault occurrence in generators over ten years (1986-1996) are gathered by questionnaire. Then, the most probable fault in generators is made known by the AHP method 展开 关键词: fault diagnosis synchronous generators Iran analytic hierarchy process method ...
Step 2: Define the Problem and Criteria The next step is to model the problem. According to AHP methodology, a problem is a related set of sub problems. The AHP method therefore relies on breaking the problem into a hierarchy of smaller problems. In the process of breaking down the sub-...
process(AHP)methodcanbeusedtocalculatetheweightoftheeachlevel’sfactorsandthensequencebythe sizebasedontheorderlydivisionofeachfactor,theorderofalternativeoption’srelativeimportancecanbea- chievedbasedonthejudgmentsofsomepeopleconcerned.ItwasattemptedtocombineFTAwithAHPtoanalyze ...
This method obtains group priorities by aggregating individual priorities. (三)个人偏好结构的聚合AIPS(Aggregation of Individual Preference Structures (AIPS)) 这一方法将传统上在AHP群体决策(AIJ和AIP)的两种方法中采用的汇总原则转移到偏好结构的情况下,从个体偏好结构分布出发,该方法(AIPS)提供了每个方案的整体...
AHP method application in evaluation of plant genetic resources conservation strategy Addresses the possibilities for applying Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) multi-criteria decision-making method in the conservation and sustainable utiliza... B Stosic,V Pekic - 《Neural Parallel & Scientific Computations...