1Profile 2TV Shows 3TV Show Theme Songs 4Trivia 5Recognitions 6External Links Profile Name:안효섭 / Ahn Hyo Seop (Ahn Hyo Sup) Also known as:Ahn Hyo Seob / Ahn Hyo Sub English name:Paul Ahn Profession:Actor and singer Birthdate:1995-Apr-17 (age 29) ...
Ahn Hyo-seop. Actor: Nangmandakteo Kimsaboo. Ahn Hyo-Seop was born on April 17, 1995 in Seoul, South Korea. He has an older brother and a younger sister. When he was 7 years old, his family immigrated to Toronto, Canada, where he learned to speak English
Ahn Hyo Seop, Jeon Yeo Been, and Kang Hoon will be starring in the Korean remake of "Some Day or One Day"! On March 31, the upcoming Netflix series "A
The drama’s producers commented, “The moment of choice is coming for Ha Ram as he is swept up in uncertainty. Ahn Hyo Seop will express Ha Ram’s distressed emotions as Ma Wang comes and goes with his explosive acting skills.” The next episode of “Lovers of ...
and the shorter dramas allows for the production to be shorter on each so more can be made. RecentlyAhn Hyo SeobandKim Se JungfinishedA Business Proposaland both are already lined up with new projects, he’s in the K-drama ...
INSTAGRAM@imhyoseop 南韓人氣演員安孝燮剛結束首次來台的粉絲見面會後,最新2023韓劇作品「韓版想見你」《走進你的時間》也在Netflix上映了!近年安孝燮連續播送的韓劇《社內相親》、《浪漫醫生金師傅3》讓粉絲們完全沈浸在歐巴的戲劇作品中。除了演戲外,才華洋溢的安孝燮,精通英語、體育、音樂以及舞蹈,私底下在IG上...
INSTAGRAM@imhyoseop 解碼安孝燮#11:接演韓版《想見你》李子維! 由許光漢和柯佳嬿主演的2019年台劇《想見你》,去年韓國官方正式宣布韓版劇名為《走進你的時間》!韓劇《走進你的時間》也確定由安孝燮主演韓版「李子維」、《黑道律師文森佐》全汝彬飾演韓版「陳韻如」、《衣袖紅鑲邊》姜勳則扮演韓版「莫俊傑」,三人將共...
圖片來源:安孝燮@Instagram 安孝燮確定出演由網路小說《社內相親》改編的同名電視劇,預計2022年首播。 《社內相親》是作家海華於2017年作為網路小說出版,講述一名辦公室職員隱藏身份,代替朋友與公司執行長相親的浪漫喜劇,2018年製作成網路漫畫,負責連載小說的 Kakao Page 則在2020年宣布改編成電視劇。
韓劇《浪漫醫生金師傅3》現正火熱開播中,李聖經、安孝燮在這一季中有更多戀愛情侶的小互動,公開撒糖讓許多劇迷心動到不行,然而李聖經日前也在社群平台上放上超曖昧的花絮照,卻沒想到引來《社內相親》劇迷示威啦。 在Instagram 查看這則貼文 이성경(@heybiblee)分享的貼文 ...
Ahn Hyo-seop. Actor: Nangmandakteo Kimsaboo. Ahn Hyo-Seop was born on April 17, 1995 in Seoul, South Korea. He has an older brother and a younger sister. When he was 7 years old, his family immigrated to Toronto, Canada, where he learned to speak English