Jisoo is a lovesick girl no longer, as the 28-year-old BLACKPINK star is dating actor Ahn Bo-hyun. Related The news follows local media reports that the new couple was spotted together in Seoul. Ahn’s team also confirmed the relationship, telling CNN,“The two are in a stage where ...
These two won't be hard to love:Blackpink'sJisoois officially dating actorAhn Bo-Hyun. Although celebrity relationships are usually kept secret in South Korea, Ahn's agency confirmed the romance speculation after the stars were recently spotted together. "The two are in a stage where they are...
Jisoo-Ahn Bo Hyun BLACKPINK’sJisooand Ahn Bo Hyun had admitted their relationship in August 2023. Both the celebrities’ agencies had confirmed the news after they were spotted together and their pictures went viral. Both their agencies YG Entertainment and FN Entertainment confirmed ...
不僅如此他也曾在自己的頻道上公開了理想型,「對自己做的事情充滿熱情的人,能夠愛護自己、自愛的人」,然而這些條件被挖出後,韓媒也說道這些條件的共同點就是Jisoo沒錯。 戀情曝光後小倆口一舉一動都會被關注,韓媒再更挖上個月20號韓國電影《走私》VIP試映會安普賢、Jisoo雙雙出席,但當時並沒有人知道兩人正在熱戀...
安普賢在8月被韓媒《Dispatch》爆料熱戀 BLACKPINK Jisoo ,雙方也火速承認,但沒想到戀情公開才3個月左右,就在上個月24日爆出兩人已分手,而雙方粉絲也都非常關心兩人狀態,繼日前 Jisoo 率先發文後,安普賢也在近日 PO 出近況,吸引了眾人關注。
BLACKPINK Jisoo前男友安普賢宣佈來台舉辦粉絲見面會!與秀智分手後,安普賢投身戲劇拍攝,劇中造型迷倒上千萬粉絲,帶你認識Jisoo唯一承認的188公分歐巴男友。