Ahmad Ibn Majid To what extend was Ibn Majid involved with the Portuguese discovery of a sea route to India? Caroline O'Leary Figure 1: Depiction of Ibn Majid Background Ahmad Ibn Majid al Sadi al-Majdji was likely born in Julfar, an Omani port city in present-day Ras al-Khaimah, ...
他们在桑给巴尔,Bal路支斯坦和坦桑尼亚建立了前哨基地。 其中最伟大的一位,据说是艾哈迈德·伊本·马吉德(Ahmad Ibn Majid),他向瓦斯科·达·伽马(Vasco da Gama)提供了阿拉伯航海设备,即星盘,然后在他第一次前往科尔科塔的旅程中驾驶了葡萄牙探险家。作为回报,葡萄牙人进攻了马斯喀特并短暂占领了马斯喀特。他们的16世纪...
Ibn Majid, AhmadThe following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Ibn Majid, Ahmad Arab ship pilot and theoretician of navigation. He lived in the second half of the 15th century. Ibn Majid was the son of a navigator. In ...
Ahmad Ibn Majid's father was a famous 1___sailor___and he taught his son all about 2___. Ahmad Ibn Majid later studied the 3___of the sky and used them to help him find different sea 4___to different places. He helped Vasco da Gama, the famous Portuguese 5___to his famous ...
Ahmad ibn Majid, also known as theLion of the Sea,was an Arab navigator and cartographer born 1432 AD in Julfar. He was born in a family famous for seafaring; at the age of 17, he was able to navigate ships. Ibn Majid died around 1500. He became famous in the West as the navigat...
Ibn Fadlan, Ahmad Ibn Abbas Arab traveler and au-thor in the first half of the tenth century. In 921–922, as secretary of the embassy of the Abbasid caliph Muktadir (ruled 908–932), ibn Fadlan journeyed through Bukhara and Khorezm to the king of the Volga Buigars. Ibn Fadlan’s viv...
Ibn Hanbal enjoyed wide popular support and was known as theimamof Baghdad. Among his most important works are theMusnad,a major collection ofhadithtraditions, and theKitab as-Sunna,in which he laid out his dogmatic position. He advocated a literal interpretation of the Revealed Text, rejecting...