Military MedicineN. Staggers, B.M. Jennings, C.E. Lasome, A usability assessment of AHLTA in ambulatory clinics at a military medical center, Mil. Med. 175 (2010) 518-524.Staggers N, Jennings BM, Lasome CE. A usability assessment of AHLTA in ambulatory clinics at a military medical...
The article reports on the technical glitches in AHLTA, the electronic health-record system used by the Military Health System (MHS) of the U.S. Majority of online comments posted about AHLTA were negative, citing the slowness and frequent malfunctioning of the database. However, switching to...
The article reports on the technical glitches in AHLTA, the electronic health-record system used by the Military Health System (MHS) of the U.S. Majority of online comments posted about AHLTA were negative, citing the slowness and frequent malfunctioning of the database. However, switching to...
UsabilityMhs(military health system)Ahlta(armed forces health longitudinal technology application)The purposes of the study were to examine critical usability issues in AHLTA; redesign problematic features and test the new functions; and, using this knowledge, design and evaluate automated clinical ...