Running scripts in Fully Portable Mode: You must firstsingle clickwith theleft mouse buttonto select a script, and THEN you canmiddle clickto run the script. Usually after running a script it is not uncommon for the selection to be undone, especially when scripts are on the desktop. So jus...
Keys/mouse actions sent to all alts automatically as needed. Automatically scales mouse positions to loaded window sizes All mouse clicks for alts return the mouse to the main window Handles group leader target acquisition (alts select group leader's target) ...
Send ^b ;CTRL B -- set this in premiere's shortcuts panel to "select find box." 385 sleep 10 386 Send +{backspace} ;deletes the search text so that the bin returns to normal view with all SFX visible. 387 sleep 10 388 MouseMove, %xpos%, %ypos%, 0 ;move ...