You'll be able to aim from the ads while holding right click instead of clicking twice. If enabled, clicks once and clicks again when button is released. If not, just keeps holding until button is released. [Toggle: Mouse 5 Button] ...
MouseClick [, WhichButton , X, Y, ClickCount, Speed, D|U, R] 167、鼠标滚轮:WU 向上滚动, WD 向下滚动滚轮,后续的 ClickCount 参数表示滚动滚轮的次数。ClickCount如省略,则默认点击1 次。D = 按住鼠标按键不放;U = 释放鼠标按键;R 相对移动 168、Mouse 开头的函数中WhichButton有那些选择? WhichButton...
SetDefaultMouseSpeed 设置默认鼠标速度 Click 点击 MouseMove 鼠标移动 MouseClick 鼠标点击 MouseClickDrag 鼠标拖动 Sleep 等待 Critical 霸体 Thread 线程 WinMinimizeAll 最小化所有窗口 WinMinimizeAllUndo 最小化还原 GroupAdd 添加窗口组 GroupDeactivate 反激活窗口组 GroupClose 关闭窗口组 SoundBeep 声音蜂鸣 SoundP...
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% CoordMode,Mouse,Screen WinShow %theWin% global app global WinId ;请修改路径为您本地的Obsidian程序路径 IniRead,app,cfg.ini,config,app ;或者直接在AHK脚本中直接指定您本地的Obsidian程序路径 ;app:="C:\Users\liuyukuan\AppData\Local\Obsidian\app-0.6.9\Obsidian.exe"...
Gui, 1:Add, Tab2,+Theme -Background -Wrap AltSubmit gTab_Click x6 y50 w337 h358 vTab1,窗口|控件|V/A文本|样式表|操作|IE元素|IE操作 ;=== Gui, 1:Tab, 1 ;以下创建的控件属于第一个标签页 Gui, 1:Add, ListView,NoSort Grid NoSortHdr -Multi gListView_DoubleClick vListView...
LV_SetColOrderLocal() - pass listview hWnd (not listview header hWnd) LV_GetCheckedItems() - Returns a list of checked items from a standard ListView Control LV_ClickRow() - simulates a left mousebutton click on a specific row in a listview functions to deal with windows (22) WinActivate...
sounds like what you want is an AHK to remap some keystroke to the right and middle mouse clicks Quick and dirty example: Send mouse Right click using "Q" on the keyboard q:: MouseClick, Right Send mouse Middle click using "W" on the keyboard w:: MouseClick, Middle Quote jim...
例如: MouseClick "X1". 此参数可以省略, 此时它默认为 Left. * * Left 和 Right 对应于主按钮和次按钮. 如果用户通过系统设置调换了按钮, 按钮的物理位置被调换, 但效果不变. * * 要转动的鼠标滚轮: 指定 WheelUp 或 WU 来向上转动滚轮(远离您的方向); 指定 WheelDown 或 WD 来向下转...
MouseClickDrag, WhichButton, X1, Y1, X2, Y2 [, Speed, R] X1, 起始位置 X2, Y2 目标位置坐标 R 相对移动 171、WinWaitActive,ahk_class MSPaintApp,, 2中最后2代表什么? 超时时间,秒为单位 172、ELSE后可跟什么命令? 任何单个命令都能和一个ELSE命令在同一行。如其后拥有多行,那些行必须被括入...