it might not be useful for you, but you could check all the Tests to confirm your parser fixes them all Re: ahk_parser.js (convert v1->AHK_H v2) and what else ? Posted:26 May 2021, 12:11 ...
You can run and close the V1 and V2 code with the play buttons. There are also compare buttons to see better the difference between the scripts. When working on ConvertFuncs.ahk, please set TestMode on in the Gui Menu Settings, in this mode, all the confirmed tests will be checked if...
I want to start writing and creating in v2, however much code I've written for work is done in v1 and I don't have the time to go back and convert to v2 for the foreseeable future. I often have to maintain these scripts to add/remove features and functionality, probably once or tw...
The embedded 'Base' compiler directive will use a suitable Base file from the installed AutoHotkey (see above). Alternatively select a suitable v1.1 32-bit Unicode Base file to use. Press the 'Convert' button. The resulting Ahk2Exe.exe file should be copied to the Compiler sub-folder under...
最后,直接点击convert即可瞬间产生exe文件程序. 建议以管理员身份运行自己编译的脚本,否则有的功能可能权限不足,无法实现. 这样,产生的exe可以放在U盘里,随时使用,十分方便. 附ahk按键表 ::以下用于冒号后 LButton 鼠标左键 RButton 鼠标右键 MButton 鼠标中键或滚轮 ...
AutoHotkey ; ahk没有range函数,这里提供一个简单版本,在Sinet库中有更好的Range函数 range(length) { arr := [] loop length arr.push(A_Index-1) return arr } class Solution { static convert(s, numRows) { if numRows <= 1 return s s := StrSplit(s, "") n := s.length ans := []...
第3个参数1表示一旦回调函数被调用一次,钩子就会停止。 #Requires AutoHotkey v2 #include WinEvent.ahk Run "notepad.exe" WinWaitActive "ahk_exe notepad.exe" ; Notepad窗口关闭时,会回调ActiveWindowClosed。 WinEvent.Close(ActiveWindowClosed, WinExist("A"), 1) Persistent() ActiveWindowClosed(*) { MsgBox...
textBox1.Enabled =false; 顺便说一句,我有一个非常简单的库,这可能很有用。 引用了库后,您可以像这样或以更简单的方式使用它 varhotKey =newHotKey(); hotKey = HotKeyMessageBox.Show("Title","A little description"); ...
convertYOffset:=(gameWindowTitle="Diablo III")? 0:-43 cc3:=getPixelRGB([Round(799*D3H/1440),Round((365+convertYOffset)*D3H/1440)]) if (cc3[1]+cc3[2]+cc3[3]>600 and cc3[1]>cc3[2] and cc3[2]>cc3[3] and cc3[3]>110 and cc3[3]<200) { Return 4 } } ...