The script filespec (if present) must be the first non-backslash arg. All args that appear after the filespec are considered to be parameters for the script and will be stored in A_Args 然后,对于开关部分,有些无值,有些是有值的,比如/include,ahk是这样做的: 实际上,这些开关我常用的只有/for...
if(A_Args.Length()>0) { Suspend,On flag:="Ahk_Sub" s:=RegExReplace(A_Args[1],"\s") this.WinKill(flag"["s"]") r:=this.Menu_Go.Bind(this) Menu,MyMenu,Add,Run,%r Gui,%flag%:Add,Text,0x80-Wrap Gui,%flag%:Menu,MyMenu Gui,%flag%:Show,Hide,%flag"["s"]" return Ahk_Su...
if InStr(A_Args[1], "/Run=") { Suspend, On ; 放在函数静态变量初始化中避免热键生效 DllCall("SetWindowText", "Ptr",A_ScriptHwnd, "Str","<AHK>") } else Menu, Tray, Icon } } ; 这里等所有的函数静态变量都完成初始化再正式运行 ; 注意这几句代码必须放在脚本开头的自动执行段 if InStr(...
太诡异了return!(isTypingPinYinImg()orisTypingPinYinWin())}isTypingPinYinWin(){; 适用蓝底白字老版本,Win11白皮肤接口失效,因为窗口常驻后台returnWinExist("ahk_class Microsoft.IME.UIManager.CandidateWindow.Host")}isTypingPinYinImg(){; 适用新版微软拼音,截图桃心CoordMode"Pixel"; 将下面的坐标解释...
arg:=1,这时两个变量都绑定了 1。在函数里面 arg 重新赋值为 2 之后,相当于把 1 上的 arg 标签撕掉,贴到 2 身上,而 1 上的另外一个标签 a 一直存在。因此 print(a) 还是 1。 再来看一下代码段2 bar(args){args.Insert(1);append}b:=[]print(b);输出[]print(&b);输出14234032bar(b)print(b...
if IsLabel(k:=SubStr(A_Args[1], 6)) Gosub, %k% else if IsFunc(k) %k%() ExitApp } } ;-- 标记可以省略,相同标记的进程共用共享变量 连接共享变量(标记:="") { RegExMatch(标记, "\w+", name) return new GlobalContainer(name) } ;-- 目前只提供了10个属性作为共享变量,从 obj.r1 ...
args := "" for index, value in A_Args { args .= """ . value . """ " } ; 检查命名管道,若存在则通过管道传指令 if FileExist(pipe_name) { Sleep, 30 ; 等待一段时间让服务端重启管道 FileEncoding UTF-8 ; 设置文件写入的编码类型为UTF8 pipe := FileOpen(pipe_name, "w") if (Error...
for arg in A_Args { switch arg { @@ -86,24 +87,46 @@ upJumpList() { FileDelete(A_ScriptDir "\recent\" fileName) } recentCol := IObjectCollection() recentArray := [] loop files "recent\*", "F" { if A_LoopFileAttrib ~= "[HS]" continue shellLink := IShellLink() if A_...
; Modified by TAC109 to not use A_Args (disrupts Ahk2Exe) Slow := !!Slow, Fn := IsFunction(Fn) ? Fn :0, P8 := (A_PtrSize =8) , DllCall("CreatePipe","ptr*", &hPipeR :=0,"ptr*", &hPipeW :=0,"Ptr",0,"Int",0) ...
instead of using `Global A_Args.RunCMD.PID` I replaced it with `Global RunCMD_PID` fixed: so that it removes: #NoEnv, SetBatchLines fixed: #SingleInstance added Mocha unit tests: `yarn test` here:mocha/test.ts add tests like this : doIt('v:={}','v:=Map()') ...