Searing tuna is truly a 5 minute recipe! However, to make it a quick dinner it’s nice to have a few sides on hand for serving it. For our seared ahi tuna dinner, Alex and I used up some of the components we had on-hand. We had just made Cauliflower Tacos, so we realized that...
生食级金枪鱼一块(约400克) 现磨黑胡椒适量 现磨海盐适量 黄油适量 蘸汁:柚子酱油+芥末 黑椒嫩煎金枪鱼/ Seared Ahi Tuna的做法 金枪鱼排表面磨满黑胡椒包裹在厨房纸里腌制十余分钟 取出金枪鱼,各面薄薄撒上一层海盐,煎锅烧热涂上黄油,高火每面煎制40秒至60秒。
嫩煎金枪鱼Seared Ahi Tuna 热油,金枪鱼下锅煎。油一定要足够的热,最好金枪鱼一下锅就能让表面焦掉。表面变焦黄后,立刻反面,把每一面都煎成焦黄。 出锅,切片,摆盘,撒上葱花,黑胡椒等个人喜欢的调料装饰一下。吃的时候可以配上芥末。 小贴士 煎鱼的时间一定要短,不然里面的肉也熟了就会变硬,特别难吃。
步骤1 金枪鱼排表面磨满黑胡椒包裹在厨房纸里腌制十余分钟 步骤2 取出金枪鱼,各面薄薄撒上一层海盐,煎锅烧热涂上黄油,高火每面煎制40秒至60秒。 步骤3 煎制完成 取出静置数分钟切片 厚薄随您喜好 可配上蘸汁也可直接食用蘸汁推荐:芥末和万字牌柚子醋(ponzu soy sauce) 黑椒嫩煎金枪鱼/ Seared A...
Did you make this Seared Ahi Tuna Steak Recipe? Please comment below and Rate this Recipe! Six-Minute Seared Ahi Tuna Steaks These seared ahi tuna steaks take only 6 minutes to make- they're healthy, crispy and seared on the outside, and medium-rare on the inside, and bursting with uma...
嫩煎金枪鱼Seared Ahi Tuna的做法步骤 步骤1 把金枪鱼块的每一面都抹上黑胡椒,撒少许的盐,待用。 步骤2 热油,金枪鱼下锅煎。油一定要足够的热,最好金枪鱼一下锅就能让表面焦掉。表面变焦黄后,立刻反面,把每一面都煎成焦黄。 步骤3 出锅,切片,摆盘,撒上葱花,黑胡椒等个人喜欢的调料装饰一下。吃的时候可...
Jump to RecipePrint Recipe Seared Tuna Tacos. Warm street-size flour tortillas topped with Asian slaw, seared soy ginger marinated ahi tuna, seaweed salad, avocado, sliced scallions and wasabi mayo. These Asian-inspired tacos are a tuna and seaweed salad lovers dream. ...
嫩煎金枪鱼Seared Ahi Tuna 楼主 柠萌啵啵 宝宝1岁1个月LV.11 用料 undefined 把金枪鱼块的每一面都抹上黑胡椒,撒少许的盐,待用。 热油,金枪鱼下锅煎。油一定要足够的热,最好金枪鱼一下锅就能让表面焦掉。表面变焦黄后,立刻反面,把每一面都煎成焦黄。 出锅,切片,摆盘,撒上葱花,黑胡椒等个人喜欢的...
This is my go-to recipe for shoyu ahi tuna, perfect to add to your favorite Poke Bowl. Shoyu Ahi Poke is the traditional Hawaiian dish of raw fish seasoned with soy sauce and sesame oil. You don’t have to wait for your next vacation to Hawaii, you can make it yourself, it’s eas...
嫩煎金枪鱼Seared Ahi Tuna 热油,金枪鱼下锅煎。油一定要足够的热,最好金枪鱼一下锅就能让表面焦掉。表面变焦黄后,立刻反面,把每一面都煎成焦黄。 出锅,切片,摆盘,撒上葱花,黑胡椒等个人喜欢的调料装饰一下。吃的时候可以配上芥末。 小贴士 煎鱼的时间一定要短,不然里面的肉也熟了就会变硬,特别难吃。