ahead of schedule meaning, definition, what is ahead of schedule: earlier than planned or arranged: Learn more.
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
1568, in the meaning defined atsense 1a Time Traveler The first known use ofaheadwas in 1568 See more words from the same year Phrases Containingahead ahead of ahead of one's/its time ahead of one's time ahead of schedule ahead of the curve ...
ahead of schedule的用法 "Ahead of schedule" is a commonly used phrase that refers to completing a task or project before the planned or expected deadline. This term is often associated with efficiency, effectiveness, and successful time management. In this article, we will explore the various ...
we are three months ahead of schedule→ llevamos tres meses de adelanto sobre la fecha previstato arrive ahead of time→ llegar antes de la hora previstato be ahead of one's time→ anticiparse a su épocaWagner was two centuries ahead of his time→ Wagner se anticipó en dos siglos a...
share prices rose ahead of the annual report→ la cotización subió en anticipación del informe anualwe are three months ahead of schedule→ llevamos tres meses de adelanto sobre la fecha previstato arrive ahead of time→ llegar antes de la hora previstato be ahead of one's time→ ...
Here, I’d like to talk about a time when my appointment with the doctor was put ahead of schedule. Two years ago, I was suffering from an extreme toothache, so I visited the dentist. It was not an easy task to get an appointment with the dentist, Dr Jack, as he was one o...
How many patients were enrolled in Part A of the trial? Part A of the trial exceeded its target, enrolling 123 patients, ahead of schedule. When are the results of the Part A trial expected? Results from the 16-week Part A trial are anticipated in mid-2025. ...
going to finish ahead of schedule [plan, prepare, finish] ahead of time additional examples [difficult times, challenges] lie ahead [plan, prepare, finish] ahead of time going to finish ahead of schedule arrived ahead of [the others, the guests, her family] ...
The meaning of AHEAD OF ONE'S TIME is too advanced or modern to be understood or appreciated. How to use ahead of one's time in a sentence.