英国顶尖猪肉品牌共同亮相FHC 在本次FHC展会上,AHDB联合Cranswick Plc、Karro Food Group、Pilgrim’s Pride Ltd、Norwest Foods International Ltd和GPS Food Group UK Ltd等英国知名品牌,共同展示了英国猪肉行业的实力与创新。此次参展体现了行业对质量和发展的承诺,为参展者分享了英国猪肉行业的最新动态和未来趋势。 ...
UK: New priorities announced for AHDB’s plant protection research programme Date:Mar. 2, 2018 Identifying effective control options for lettuce Fusarium wilt has been confirmed as one of fifteen new priorities for the second year of AHDB’s crop protecti... UK - New robotics survey highlights...
AHDB head of Asia Pacific Jonathan Eckley said: "Despite a challenging start to the year, an increase in demand resulted in a strong year for UK pork exports with encouraging figures both within the EU and further afield in destinations such as the USA, China and the Philippines. African sw...
Dairy cattle lameness is a pressing issue for the UK’s agricultural sector, impacting both animal welfare and farm productivity.
The AHDB Harvest Results service is set to return this summer, providing an indication of how cereal and oilseed varieties have performed in trials this year.
• Cereals & Oilseeds: Any business that paid a cereal buyer levy, a cereal processor levy, the cereal grower levy or the oilseed grower levy in the UK • Beef & Lamb and Pork: Any business that kept pigs, sheep or cattle in England, any business that slaughtered pigs, sheep or ca...
The NFU continues to ask retailers to do all they can to find opportunities to support farmers post Brexit, particularly in the UK red meat market. There is still significantly more opportunity for the industry to keep customers buying red meat: inspiring with new product development, innovating ...
AHDB reveals ad and media roster.The article reports on the appointment of creative agencies and media agencies including Beattie McGuinness Bungay, Archibald Ingall Stretton Ltd. and JWT London by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) in Great Britain.Williams...
Avian Influenza: outbreaks and the impact on UK consumer demand for poultry Pilot data have been obtained on a four weekly basis from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) for the period May 2nd 2010 to March 1st 2015. By employing the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) mod...
High quality, independent information on the performance of new andestablished benchmark fungicides is vital to maintain a competitive UK arable sector and AHDBCereals & Oilseeds is committed to the long-term future of the project.AHDBLists)