1)拔掉硬盘,只接SSD,注意接到SATA3接口且最好是接到1号接口上,具体参阅主板说明书,开机。2)开机按DEL,进入BIOS设置。3)进入Advance BIOS Features,将First Boost Device设置为USB-HDD;4)进入Advance--SATA configuration,将 SATA mode设置为AHCI;...
1)拔掉硬盘,只接SSD,注意接到SATA3接口且最好是接到1号接口上,具体参阅主板说明书,开机。2)开机按DEL,进入BIOS设置。3)进入Advance BIOS Features,将First Boost Device设置为USB-HDD;4)进入Advance--SATA configuration,将 SATA mode设置为AHCI;...
如果您使用的是 SATA SSD 驱动器,AHCI 可能比 RAID 更适合。如果您使用多个硬盘驱动器,RAID 是比 AHCI 更好的选择。如果您想在 RAID 模式下使用 SSD 和额外的 HHD,建议您继续使用 RAID 模式。AHCI 概述 AHCI 是 Intel 定义的 Advanced Host Controller Interface 的缩写。这种操作模式在较新的 PC 中很常见。
We are observing that the SATA commands are freezing/responding after very long time in AHCI mode with HDD.Is this a known issue?Analysis:The application is trying to fetch the information from HDD using SATA ATA command. To get the information application is sending c...
We are observing that the SATA commands are freezing/responding after very long time in AHCI mode with HDD.Is this a known issue?Analysis:The application is trying to fetch the information from HDD using SATA ATA command. To get the information application is sending co...
进到BIOS后,选择Main下的IDE Configuration Menu,在Onboard IDE Operate Mode下面可以选择两种IDE操作模式:兼容模式和增强模式(Compatible Mode和Enhanced Mode)。其中兼容模式Compatible Mode,可以理解为把SATA硬盘端口映射到并口IDE通道的相应端口,当你选择这种模式时在下面的IDE Port Settings中会有三个选项:...
可以按照如下方式进行操作:1)拔掉硬盘,只接SSD,注意接到SATA3接口且最好是接到1号接口上,具体参阅主板说明书,开机。2)开机按DEL,进入BIOS设置。3)进入Advance BIOS Features,将First Boost Device设置为USB-HDD;4)进入Advance--SATA configuration,将 SATA mode设置为AHCI;...
1、重启电脑或者开启电脑,然后在出现开机画面的时候按下对应的快捷键进入到bios设置窗口,在bios设置窗口中利用键盘上的方向键选择“Config”选项,然后选择“Serial ATA(SATA)”,按下回车键确认;2、打开Serial ATA(SATA)后,会看到“SATA comtroller mode option [compatibility]”,按下回车键选择...
We are observing that the SATA commands are freezing/responding after very long time in AHCI mode with HDD.Is this a known issue?Analysis:The application is trying to fetch the information from HDD using SATA ATA command. To get the information application is sending c...
We are observing that the SATA commands are freezing/responding after very long time in AHCI mode with HDD.Is this a known issue?Analysis:The application is trying to fetch the information from HDD using SATA ATA command. To get the information application is sending c...