DMA Controller with AHB interface is full featured, easy-to-use, synthesizable design that can be used with AHB based systems as a controller to transfer data directly from system memory to IP core or from IP core to system memory. Through its compatibility, it provides a simple interface to...
The DMA is a configurable single channel direct memory access controller. The DMA IP Core is a Verilog HDL design that can be used in ASIC, Structured ASIC and FPGA designs. The design is intended to be used with AMBA based systems as a controller to transfer data directly from system ...
The AHB DMA Controller (DW_ahb_dmac) can be used in an AHB subsystem to perform DMA transfers between AHB peripherals. When the AHB subsystem is bridged to an AXI subsystem through a combination of DW_ahb_eh2h and DW_axi_hmx, it is possible to do DMA transfers between AHB and AXI pe...
This paper reviewed the design of a general purpose AHB-DMA controller whichhas two channels to perform read/write operations between the memory and customizable interface (SPI, I2C, USB or SDIOetc.). Each DMA channel enables movement of data from a source AHB address to the IP or IP to ...
DMA在传输存储器和I/O设备的数据时,无须CPU来控制数据的传输,直接通过DMA控制器(direct memory access controller,DMAC)完成外设与存储器之间以及存储器与存储器之间的数据高速传输。 [3]DMA传输原理一个完整的DMA传输包括DMA请求、DMA响应、DMA传输和DMA结束4个步骤。DMA传输原理如图1所示,图中I/O设备为源端设备...
中文引用格式:罗一牛,马丙场. 一种基于AHB总线DMA控制器验证方法[J]. 电子技术应用,2025,51(1):34-39. 英文引用格式:Luo Yiniu,Ma Bingchang. A verification method for DMA controller based on AHB bus[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2025,51(1):34-39. ...
DMA-CTRL AHB/AXI/Wishbone DMA Controller The DMA-CTRL core implements a low-power, highly configurable Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller that transfers data over AHB, AXI, or Wishbone busses. With the DMA-CTRL, a DMA transfer can be initiated by software (via register access), or via...
内容提示: 12 集成电路应用 第 38 卷 第 8 期(总第 335 期)2021 年 8 月 Research and Design 研究与设计0 引言 DMA(直接存储器访问)控制器是一种应用在SoC系统中高效搬运数据的专用接口电路。相比于软件搬运数据,其不需要经过烦琐的代码执行步骤,就可根据预先配置的传输参数,利用系统总线直接在存储器或外设...
DMA在传输存储器和I/O设备的数据时,无须CPU来控制数据的传输,直接通过DMA控制器(direct memory access controller,DMAC)完成外设与存储器之间以及存储器与存储器之间的数据高速传输。 [3]DMA传输原理一个完整的DMA传输包括DMA请求、DMA响应、DMA传输和DMA结束4个步骤。DMA传输原理如图1所示,图中I/O设备为源端设备...
对DMA控制器的设计,同时用仿真工具进行了仿真分析,并通过可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)完成对设计的验证,形成 完整可复用的IP软核,最后该设计成功应用于第三代移动通信终端基带芯片。 关键词:AMBA总线;DMA控制器;AHB;VerilogHDL ImplementationandapplicationofDMAcontrollerbasedonAHBbus ...